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Everything posted by HoarfrostHubb

  1. Jury is still out. I want to try it under a variety of conditions. It shoots the snow really far though. The auger motor is pretty beefy. The batteries were right at the edge of pooping out after 45 minutes or so…but as mentioned, I have backup batteries. my gas one is 28” wide. This one is only 24. It did well at the plow pile at the end of the street.
  2. I measured 7” compacted. I wonder what the greatest depth was. Also did my entire driveway on 1 charge (barely) with the Ego. Prob would have been easier if the oil delivery truck (and our family cars) hadn’t compacted down tracks. I have spare batteries so I should be able to do bigger storms. It drives weird though.
  3. Thank you for doing this again this year! I enjoy using it
  4. By now, you (and Ray) just have to laugh. Bad luck just keeps happening...
  5. Hopefully you get some new undies under the Christmas tree
  6. My 5.5" was at 5:45AM... wish I could have measured later. Probably would have been close to 7"
  7. Maybe an inch... if you squint Edit As it continues, it looks like it might be good for 2-3" for you and me.
  8. Sun breaking out in Plastic-town (Leominster)
  9. Next week (M-Thursday at least) looks pretty ugly. Rain and warmth
  10. Yup. His area kept showing up on the clowns
  11. You would have loved to be in Templeton in 2008 for the ice storm. Massive massive damage
  12. Leominster only got 2" or so here at work. Fitchburg reporting 4" My side road suuuucked Heavy stuff
  13. 5.5” here. Wife and daughter have no school Looks like a full day for me
  14. You’re on that HRRR like white on rice.
  15. I might be...surprised If I hit 7-8 I really wouldn't be, but lower end of probability
  16. Never in doubt... not sure we exceed 5-6" but our hood has been in good shape for a while
  17. Hope so. I've upped my expectations for MBY to 4-6" Hoping for a 2 hour delay to try to the new Ego snowblower
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