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Everything posted by HoarfrostHubb

  1. Yep. My road was temporarily “fixed” last year with reclaimed milling. It was ok for a while. The last 2 days have made it look like Beruit in the 1980s
  2. Yeah. Even Rte 2 wasn't great coming down the hill. My side road was thick and the numerous potholes that appeared yesterday were hard to see.
  3. I'm thinking an inch to an inch and a half of wet slop in my area Thursday morning
  4. Hit 50 on the nose today (50.0F at a nearby Davis). Drip drip drip
  5. A rat here so far. Probably will finish as a rat
  6. I was down to pretty close to bare ground until January 11
  7. We shall see. I wouldn’t hold my breath.
  8. Yeah. I don’t see any single digit lows here for the next week+. Possibly until next winter.
  9. I was picking up a Chipotle order that was supposed to be ready at 6:30. I always leave more time so that’s why I was thinking 6:40.
  10. It wasn’t a lot, but still visible. I might be off by a few minutes.
  11. I was noticing some western light even at 6:40PM here.
  12. I messed up the second part. The 2003 stat was for this century.
  13. BOS has gone 50 days without hitting 50F. Longest stretch since 2015. Tomorrow will tie that. Longest stretch looks like 2003 when they went 60 days.
  14. During the winter I try to ground myself before turning on my computer at work or at home. Joy
  15. Yep. December was meh and dry January was a bad idea.
  16. 9F here. This met winter will wind up being the coldest since 2014-2015 in SNE
  17. Yesterday they were lasting around 35 minutes. It shoots the snow 50’. I did have it on turbo mode so that probably drained it more quickly.
  18. It is the 24” self propelled 2 stage. So far I love the power. Still miss the steering of my old Crapsman. But holy cow does it throw the snow. Way further than the old one. get extra batteries. That was the issue yesterday. The density of the snow drained em. I had to swap them out a couple of times before I could finish.
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