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About HoarfrostHubb

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Hubbardston, Mass N ORH county

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  1. Yeah. Looks like it is clearing out in your hood. 36F and cloudy and damp here.
  2. Snow showers here. But 47F Only flakes I have seen this month
  3. Yeah. I don’t know that I have seen anything this month. Weird.
  4. There were some amazing gusts as that went through.
  5. Ha! We were at Mt. Snow on Friday as well. Beautiful day. Got soft quick
  6. Town Spa (in the old place) was excellent back in the day... like 25+ years ago. Haven't been in decades
  7. Probably no 60s here for a stretch after today... maybe we get lucky Saturday. Should be good for you
  8. That seems very unlikely... it looks weird
  9. Mud season has claimed me as a victim. The thawing of the ground, the heavy rain, and a super heavy oil delivery truck lead to a driveway loss at my house this morning
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