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Everything posted by irvingtwosmokes

  1. They way they have whiffed on this thing. I get this strange feeling one of those training bands is going to sit right on Johnstown.
  2. The last two times I've been down, I've got it at Brookshires for $1.25 a bottle
  3. I'm driving down next Wednesday for 10 days. Thanks for the offer I'm definitely coming home with some Whataburger mustard
  4. Prime Day is coming up July 15th-16th, so watch the price. I just looked, Ambient Weather has it for $129 https://www.ambientweather.com/amws2902.html
  5. I got this in Feb on Amazon for $120, but didn't get it up and running till the first week in April. https://www.amazon.com/Ambient-Weather-WS-2902A-Station-Monitoring/dp/B01N5TEHLI/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8
  6. I'm a Shag/Surly vet, In fact it was Thujone's 2010 NC game MS Paint that made me join.
  7. Yeah they have issues and they got dumped on us. It took 7 OT's to beat us, with along some shady SEC officiating. You would have thought they won the National Championship. I'm looking forward to Sept 7th @ 40 Acres
  8. That would likely be between Ogletown and Blue Knob
  9. Everytime I go to Shreveport, I wonder how I grew up in that. I damn near can't breath when I go down there.
  10. We're both from the same area, of course he loves it
  11. Ambient Weather WS-2902A. I have no problems with it and recommend https://dashboard.ambientweather.net/devices/public/fb42e95e9198d14a3fc071bd0f34b798
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