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Everything posted by snowman21

  1. Yeah been thinking 3-6 type of deal down this way and figured a couple more inches closer to BDR. That's a sharp gradient on the west side. If a band managed to work this far west that could change things considerably of course.
  2. I'm west of 7 by about 10-15 miles. I am bracing for the possibility of just a cloudy day with some flurries. But hey at least we'll have the wind chill to track!
  3. Given the uncertainty I'm surprised the whole state isn't under a watch. The threshold is 7 inches in Litchfield, so if they really think this is going to be a 3-6 type of event I understand why they have nothing up right now since an advisory has a shorter lead time than a watch at least in practice if not by definition.
  4. They're going to regret using their big flake icons 4-5 days out. Hopefully a lesson learned for their meteorologists to not go balls to the wall until you're sure.
  5. BOX map looks pretty good for a first call. I kinda had the same across CT - 2-4 inches along the NY border to 8-12 395 corridor. Easy to adjust up or down one category without having wild swings in the forecast.
  6. Looks like a solid 4-8 type of deal on your side of the county right now. Not close to blockbuster territory for western zones as depicted, but a good enough hit that will put you above normal for snowfall for the season.
  7. Closed here as well. All we have is wet ground. Not even a trace. Back country out by the airport probably has something on the ground, but south of 95/Post Rd just wet.
  8. -RASN mix here on the sound, meanwhile five miles up the road at HPN 1/2 mi mod snow.
  9. Winter weather advisory in effect! Where's the snow?
  10. Snow has started here. Let's see how long this lasts before turning to rain.
  11. There's still 6 weeks and 3 days left. What if another Feb 2015 is on its way?
  12. Sun's out here. Went from the last of the light snow to sun in about an hour.
  13. Using the CT River as the dividing line is dumb anyway because then basically 80% of New England is considered "east." CON-WST roughly if we're going by land mass.
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