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Everything posted by snowman21

  1. Maybe Mass. isn't such a great state to live in after all. They may have legal weed, but they also have an exploding house problem.
  2. Why not just wait a few months until everything is cleared up?
  3. Mostly automated the same way point and click is. NWS can obviously tweak specific grid points, but a computer does most of the work.
  4. Never understood why there are people who do not see the value in this. We're literally shitting where we eat by continuing to ruin the planet.
  5. Yep. Lower taxes, very safe well maintained and clean communities, some of the best public schools around, full services, and a relatively quick 40-60 minute train ride into Grand Central. Also a good job market if you don't feel like commuting.
  6. Property tax here is about $11 per $1000 of value and I'm right on the CT-NY state line about 12 miles from NYC as the crow flies. This NYC 'burb may have the lowest property tax in the state. Not as cheap as some Mass. towns like out on the Cape or Nantucket, but lower than most places in Mass., and way cheaper than the other side of the border in Westchester County.
  7. CT as a whole is near the top in not just the U.S., but the whole world. People that complain about it don't realize how good they have it.
  8. The main participants are getting older and will eventually retire to Florida for the CoC weather so they can enjoy sunshine and 70s/80s beach weather year round. I'm with you though and have no use for temperatures above 50, and would take 12 Januarys a year if it were possible.
  9. Mugs and jugs, margs and oyster shucking on the beach this weekend.
  10. Hoping to crack 50 tonight. OKX has 51 here on the pnc, but they've been takin' em up all week it seems.
  11. Depends on the winds. Still a pretty good breeze blowing out there, so we're already wasting prime time which is usually from just before sunset to about 9 when you expect the quickest drop off.
  12. Yeah those are the only ones in the state, but it always infuriated me that when watching college football all the commercials were for Sonic and Chik-Fil-A, and we couldn't partake in it because the nearest ones were always in Elkins WV or some place like that.
  13. Christmas creep has actually reversed. It's not as early as it was 10-15 years ago. I always wondered if the big financial crisis of '08 played a role in that.
  14. Chik-Fil-A is quite popular across the south and Midwest. They have all kinds of chains that are nearly non-existent elsewhere from Cracker Barrel to Waffle House and Sonic to name a few. I wonder why these sorts of restaurants aren't around in the big population centers of the east coast? Just like it felt like we were last to finally get Walmart, maybe it just takes a little more time and we'll eventually have these other restaurants too.
  15. BDL has reached 90 from Sep 22 and later 16 times in its history, while BOS has done it 16 times also (6 of those occurrences were before BDL's existence). Since 1980, 6 times at BDL and once at BOS. The back to back 90s (bolded for dates where both stations did it simultaneously): BDL 9/22-23/1914 BDL 9/22-23/1970 BDL 9/25-26/2007 BDL 9/24-25/2017 BOS 9/22-23/1895 BOS 9/22-23/1914 BOS 9/22-23/1970 Single dates where both reached 90 (excluding the above): 9/22/1931 10/7/1963 9/22/1980 9/26/2007
  16. Couple of reasons. There's a WMO standard which began with the 1901-30 normals, so it's been convention for over a century. Also the general statistics rule that you need at least 30 data points to accurately estimate the mean. NCDC does calculate supplemental normals based on other time periods, but the official ones are done over 30 year periods worldwide. Edit: to add to this a quick google search pops up this page from NCDC which basically says the same thing: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/news/defining-climate-normals-new-ways
  17. I don't think it's more and more developments, at least at first glance. For example, Falls Village which is in the far NW corner of CT by the NY/MA line where it's about as middle of nowhere as you can get in CT, used to have an average first frost of 9/16, and now a decade later it's up to 9/23. I don't think there's too much developing going on in a place with a population just over 1,000 people. Some of it is likely methodology in calculating the average, so it's important to note that the way normals are calculated does change over time, but that likely does not explain all of the moves. We've also seen reduction in snow cover days at some of these middle of nowhere in the woods stations as well like Norfolk at 1400 ft elevation. The Falls Village average last frost moved up from 5/30 to 5/24, so the growing season there has increased by two weeks in the last ten years (officially 50% probability of frost free period was 108 days and now it's 120).
  18. In falls of yore even BDL averaged a first frost in September. They've gone from 9/30 in the 1961-90 normals to 10/4 in the 1981-2010 normals, and you can probably add a few more days on to that for the 1990-2020 normals coming in a little under two years.
  19. Wow strongest storm is an 826 mb 245 mph behemoth named Mu. Presumably with 53 storms we'll make a couple of passes through the list of names, though looks like they stole some Pacific names since the Atlantic list stops with W.
  20. That 94 probably isn't gonna happen. It's only happened that late in the season twice (9/22/1970, 9/20/1983) at BDL, has never happened at PVD, BDR, and ORH, although BOS has six occurrences (1881, 1895, 1914, and 1983).
  21. These departures are the same as if it hit 90 which no one would think is unusual. If a high of 90 would be considered "seasons in seasons," then why not a day where the departure is -10 instead of +10?
  22. Feels like a late September day with temps begrudgingly trying to get into the 70s under a dim sun.
  23. CL&P and Eversource are effectively the same company. It's why you can still pay CL&P.
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