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Everything posted by snowman21

  1. Interesting. I wondered why there always seemed to be crews from Iowa in Connecticut whenever something like this happens. I guess that's not a coincidence if the pay is really good.
  2. From the press conference today it sounded like they just dropped the ball. Eversource said they didn't even really have an accurate forecast because as of Friday when they started preparing the storm was forecast to "go up the west coast of Florida."
  3. At the gov's presser today he was bewildered as to why Eversource did not pre-position crews, so my guess is the crews just weren't distributed throughout the state until late today, and they may still be trying to work their way into the harder hit areas. It's the same story with every widespread outage. They always say they will learn lessons from things like Sandy or the October snowstorm which was almost a decade ago already, but they never seem to. They've got the pushing rate increases through PURA down pat though. They're awesome at jacking up the delivery charges, just not so great at the delivery part.
  4. You'd be crazy to ever drive it in anything other than good weather. I know DOT has done a ton of trimming in recent times, but trees come done quite easily.
  5. Winds less than 10 mph right now I'd say with the sun trying to make an appearance. Pretty quiet the last hour. Let's see if the backside has anything in store or is this it?
  6. Feels like things are stepping down here the last 15 mins or so. Isaias now passing our latitude.
  7. Already in effect 4 hours ago at least in southern CT.
  8. Southern Queens where JFK is as well.
  9. It was a wild 15-20 minutes in that thing. Was hoping HPN would capture the peak gust, but I think the worst of it was right along the water as it came into CT.
  10. Those T-storms in SW CT mean business.
  11. Yes it can be done. You will see it on the NHC warning/cone map as a pink line (hurricane watch) within the blue line (tropical storm warning).
  12. Maybe because it's so close to land? It'll make landfall in about 5 hours, and it's within radar range and passing over buoys.
  13. Seems redundant to me if there's no flooding/surge component to the warning. It's like a blizzard warning without the visibility requirement. Why have a separate warning just because the high winds are from a tropical system versus a nor'easter? The public doesn't care, and the result is the same, other than when you say tropical storm it makes for a bigger headline.
  14. What's the difference between Tropical Storm Warning and High Wind Warning?
  15. September is a summer month in recent history. Nine of the last ten Septembers, and 15 of the last 20, have been above normal at BDL. In the last ten Septembers, the average departure is +2.4, and over the last 20 it's +1.6.
  16. Another 90+ day for BDL. Including today, 2020 moves into second place for most 90+ days at BDL in July: 1. 2019 19 2. 2020 18 3. 2016 17 4. 1955 16 4. 1966 16 6. 2010 15
  17. SNC had a similar problem. Dew jumped from 74 to 77 while the rest of CT was 69-72, and then stayed there for a few hours before the station went offline a little while ago.
  18. That Wrightstown NJ 100/77 HX 116 ob has to be wrong. That's 4 degrees warmer on the temp and 5 degrees on the dew point than anything else in the state.
  19. That's going to be one hell of a view in about 100 days.
  20. Aren't there a bunch of dams on the Connecticut River that would prevent you from paddling end to end?
  21. 25 days until the days start getting shorter!
  22. Moved it where? It's in the middle of a park, full of trees.
  23. Getting some light snow here in the southwest corner of Connecticut. Didn't expect that. April 23rd is pretty late to see flakes around here.
  24. Or do it the old fashioned way with a motor that generates a voltage relative to the speed. Thought some of the earlier Davis stations worked this way hence their caution of extending the wind cable beyond 40 feet because the loss of voltage would cause the speed to be lower than measured.
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