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Everything posted by CentralNC

  1. PD1 Feb 18, 1979 as well in western piedmont. Watched it from my dorm room.
  2. I think you have a great shot at hitting at least 4 out of those 5 imo
  3. Yeah the last time GSP was more bullish so it's the other way around this time. Go figure.
  4. follow the WxSouth FB page to see his comments. Met out of Shelby and a good one. Has a pay site for more detaiis
  5. Raleigh area will always have the 1/25/2000 storm. I'll never see anything like that at my current location. But I do tend to cash in on several small events that Raleigh does not, so I cannot and won't complain.
  6. Don't want a foot of snow? Are you feeling well? j/k
  7. Not really but this is good reading https://www.weather.gov/rah/events
  8. No doubt. I just don't see how we don't have significant mixing during the height of the storm. Mainly IP of course.
  9. Yeah would view as outlier but is a head scratcher
  10. Yes we know what the warm nose can do
  11. My son Tommy is checking out this thread...ready to rumble at WCU!
  12. Latest Heavy Snow discussion. Sorry if already posted https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/discussions/hpcdiscussions.php?disc=qpfhsd
  13. Yes, silly of me. Just feels like a carolina special to me. Not totally off the table however.
  14. CMC is out to lunch. No way this storm goes that far north
  15. That is about what I was thinking as well. I don't see how the western piedmont escapes at least some ice but not as much as 12/2002 storm. Agree some are going to get killer ice storm just like 2002 storm. Probably south of that storm like you mentioned.
  16. Even for Bastardi this is pretty strong
  17. In his blog Crankywxguy talks about this being an elongated Low and less consolidated. Interesting. Thanks for the insights!
  18. Yeah I think there are going to be some hearts broken in the MA forum.
  19. Just feels to me (maybe my old bones) that this is trending south for highest amounts for snow. The "finger" on radar seems more W-E instead of NE and it is below my latitude.
  20. Where are you seeing that. Looks like 10% on WPC winter weather product
  21. Not sure I agree or not but this time GSP seems a little too overconfident and RAH underconfident.
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