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About CentralNC

  • Birthday 01/26/1960

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    11 miles west of Winston-Salem, NC; Elev 822'
  • Interests
    Weather, of course!

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  1. My north side of house in the shade. I purposely shovel the driveway and sidewalk to make big piles that stay in the shade all day so the snow lasts the maximum number of days. I ain't right...also I'm 65 years old which makes it even worse
  2. Snow ended. Ended up with a solid 2 inches from this system. Snowed continuously from around 6am to 10am, although the heaviest lasted about 1.5 hours. Crazy overperformer. More than yesterday ironically when we only picked up 1/2 inch. I'll take it!
  3. Been snowing in Lewisville since before 6am and has just gotten heavier and heavier since this band has gone through. Overperformer for sure! No complaints!
  4. Hope this band holds together
  5. Flurries in Lewisville. These upper level systems rarely make it over the mountains. Maybe today will be an exception.
  6. Hear, Hear. Congrats. Y'all have waited for a long time. ended up with 1/2 inch here. Nothing on roads.
  7. We have about 1/2 inch here in Lewisville. Snowing to beat the band a short time ago (1pm) but now has slacked off quite a bit. 30 degrees
  8. Don't think I have ever stated this, but BRING ON SPRING. I've had all the disappointment I can handle for one year.
  9. must be a different part of Lewisville from me. -0- flakes for me since 5am.
  10. Based on radar trends I still think Raleigh area looks pretty good. In my neck of the woods, not so much.
  11. Cranky off the top rope...the board would crash
  12. We got to have something to hold onto, don't we?
  13. Maybe because they think it will be disruptive to travel since temps will be low for a lot of sticking, etc. I thought it was weird too.
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