It's Sunday evening and I'm safely back under freezing. Yeah, that was quite the thaw. Snow is around my parts of Central NH is still mostly intact in the woods and below about 800 feet. The hills really took the brunt as they stayed in the warm air all day yesterday, through the night and all day today. Down below it was cooler all and all and there was less wind.
In a way Im happy we got wiped clean. It's only very temporary with winter storms looming for later this week. The warmth cleared the ice dams on the north side of the house and the deer are out happily munching in the fields and finding old apples and acorns. Its a good chance for them to get a couple days worth of nutrients before we recoat the landscape.
Newfound Lake is only 1/2 ice covered and no one has put Bob houses on the ice yet. Pretty unusual for mid January.
The people with snowmobiles must be very unhappy. Very little sledding this year. The ski resorts can start making snow again now. Several winter storms on the horizon so part 2 of winter resumes now.