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Everything posted by wxeyeNH

  1. 1.25" of snow up here this morning. 33.9F very light rain mixed with catpaws at noon I've been so involved with virus news I have barely been following the extended weather. Nice to see the Euro. Just took a quick looks at the 12Z GFS. Has the system too, still quite far south but it seems a bit further north than the 6Z run
  2. Thursday mornings snowfall is about over as I'm up to 32.8F Snow total 1.25" Season total 66.25"
  3. 31.9F Light snow. Eyeballing 3/4 to 1"
  4. Nice visible satellite image this Wed AM. You can clearly see where the snow line is. The Northern part of Lake Winn. is white while the Southern part is not. About 15-20% snowcover remains in my hood. Bluebirds have arrived and are seeking out our birdhouses.
  5. 28.8F at mid day. 1" new 65.25" on the season
  6. Watching the news today I was noticing that the cherry trees are in bloom around the White House. Nice 73F day down there. The park service revised the cherry blossom bloom dates to March 21-24th. That's quite early. Hope the south doesn't get a late season cold wave that damages fruit trees that are all opening earlier than normal. On another note the mud season around my area of NH doesn't seem too bad this year. Have not been out today since the .80" of rain we just had but the lack of precipitation these past few weeks and warm temperatures have helped it seems.
  7. Had some sleet very early morning the whitened up the grass for awhile. I'll call it 1/4" 64.25" for the season which is probably around 10-15" below my yearly average. It's interesting to note my last measurable snowfall was back on Feb 18th My south facing property is almost snow free but woods and north facing slopes are still snowcovered. Also as a side bar in watching the news today and live shots of the White House, the cherry trees seem to be in bloom and the grass green. Everything is running ahead of schedule
  8. 66.1F for my high. My pastures are mostly snow free but in the general area snowcover is still over 50%.
  9. Steady light snow up here on the hill this PM 36.5F
  10. My fields are now mostly snow free although the ground is still totally snow covered in the woods. Deer are out having a lot of fun, being able to run on bare ground. I made this 3 minute video of them late this afternoon. They have so much personality. Video starts slow but then they all get running around. https://video.nest.com/clip/ef5bb5bef7cb4951b7c0c70af056cd3d.mp4
  11. 53f looking hard for any bare spots on south slopes. Nothing yet
  12. Today felt so nice. 46F. Looking hard on my south slopes to find any bare patches but no luck today. Perhaps tomorrow? I have not been following the weather closely, too much going on but Wed night looks to be interesting. Another tough call for my area, wet or white?
  13. Eat some and burn it off. Round and round we go? Beautiful day today. Newfound Lake Ice Derby. Many people on the lake. I would guess we are max ice thickness for the year as the sun starts taking a toll even on sub freezing sunny days.
  14. Beautiful day today. 11" at my snowstake out back on level ground. Snow stake in this picture is on a slight southward slope and measures about 9 or 10" Seems a deer wanted to investigate it judging by the tracks nearby. I never get tired of the view out our windows.
  15. 21.7F Light snow 5.25" 64" for the season 13" at the snowstake otg
  16. 21.4F Light to moderate snow. About 4.5" I was just inside the 6" line on that Euro map posted above. As long as I don't flip that Euro map might be right on. I believe it had about that same amount for me over the past several days. Finally good snow growth.
  17. 21.3F Light to moderate snow Winds have been near calm all day. Just a powdery snowfall with temps around 20F. Would be nice if I could hold onto snow till the end, easy cleanup. No winter weather advisory was even posted for me in S Grafton County. I am in the extreme SE corner of the county so I get it.
  18. 21.5F Light snow. Bit over 4" Temp high was around 545pm at 21.8F. Drifted back to 21.4F as of 615pm
  19. 19.6F Light to moderate snow. About 2" (Not great snow growth so far)
  20. 18.5F Light snow vis about 1 mile (not great snow growth)
  21. Clouds have been pretty thick all day. Seemed to be stuck at 33.8F A couple of drips off the roof but no real melting today. Doesn't look like much melting this week just adding to snowcover on Tuesday.
  22. Balmy -6.5F on my hill. Alex, like you said that strong sun makes a difference. We are almost 2 months since the winter solstice. Sun angle today is like late October. Sun is starting to make the dents in south facing snow banks and warming up car interiors.
  23. 215pm Clear skies 9.8F Snow depth 10" 58.75" season (SNE your missing out on so much fun!) PS Anyone that wants to take a 1:50 minute drive from downtown Boston and come up and chip ice dams tomorrow off my roof, be my guest. I'll let you use my snowblower and make a paths in my back fields too. Knock yourself out!
  24. 1.25"!!! Quite the bust.
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