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Everything posted by wxeyeNH

  1. Alex, maybe you over did it moving north from Boston to find a snow lovers spot. I'll give you a couple of years and you will be talking about moving to Florida I have frickin icicles forming too. May sun is melting snow on the roof but air has been below freezing. Warming up now 33F
  2. I think the mid day cold is even more impressive than the snow. The flowering trees and trees in leave are taking a hit with temps below freezing and strong winds. Luckily we had a cold April so things are not that far along
  3. 11:15am. Snow flurries, blowing snow with winds gusting to 30mph. 32F is extremely impressive for May 9th for near mid day. There was almost no snow down at Newfound Lake level (586 feet) but almost 3" at my elevation at 1100 feet. At this elevation we are having mid winter blowing snow right now. Then below us is a band where the snow was very wet and clung to the trees. Beautiful earlier before the wind. Go further down in elevation the trees are in bud with small leaves and the grass is dark green. Really interesting to live in an area with elevation differences. Far cry from my days living in Metro Boston. Picture from earlier this AM before wind
  4. No snow in downtown Bristol which is just 10 miles north of you. Elevation made all the difference. I bet even on your road there is much more snow at the top of your road than along the river
  5. 30.0F (temp continues to fall) light snow blowing snow 2.75" We were cold enough that legit blowing snow right now. Wind really cranking. Just made this short timelapse of the blowing snow. https://video.nest.com/clip/3d7bb204adfc4f8188a8f97fd187e422.mp4
  6. Mount Washington is snow covered even before the storm. With a strong NW wind there should be snow blowing into the east facing ravines building up the pack. Snow should last well into June or even July with this pattern
  7. I can get you to about 1 1700 feet near me. 1:50 minutes from downtown Boston. Bridgewater NH. Rt 93 to Exit 23. Right on Rt104 to Bristol. Onto 3A north. Go 2-3 miles to Hemlock Brook Road. Make a right. Road climbs pretty steeply. Dead ends with cell tower in front of you. It will be snowing by late evening.
  8. I went with a coating to 2-3" on the hills around Newfound. That was before the 12Z GFS which bumps up qpf a bit. More important my VP2 stopped communicating with the data tracker so my weather station is offline. I can't figure it out. Rebooted unplugged and replugged USB. Arrgghh. I'm so untechy~
  9. Ha, Don't get me started about the threads in this group. Lots of conflict right now because the locals don't want the summer SNE people to come north. Lots of anger and opinions in the group. People keep posting they have never seen so much anger towards the "flatlanders". The worst comes out in people in times of hardship. I stick to weather and nature postings.....
  10. Here up at Newfound Lake we have a closed facebook group of around 3000 members. During interesting times I post a weather forecast for the area since Ch 9 WMUR is the NH affiliate and their forecasts are geared to S NH 60 miles south of here. People always complain they are wrong since we are at a higher elevation 570 feet to 1900 feet locally. I am usually more accurate than them because I get input from this group and my weather knowledge. This morning I'm getting lots of requests for my ideas as what will happen. I have been hesitant as a few weeks ago the models were over zealous with a heavy wet snow that really didn't happen because we didn't have the rates. I got to post something. I'm thinking of a couple/few inches of wet snow overnight not sticking to pavement. Only .30" or so of qpf Main takeaway is the cold and wind tomorrow with passing rain and snow showers and freezes at night over the weekend. Any thoughts? I'm 20 miles NNW of Dendrite.
  11. Jeez, 18Z Euro. Seems like I'm in the bullseye qpf as the strip runs SW to NE. Temps drop to 30F. Quite the May storm for me *if* this run verified. Still 48 hours out and lots of time for change. 975mb storm in Gulf of Maine. Impressive for this late in the season
  12. It didn't work out too well a couple of weeks ago when it was marginally cold enough but we never had good rates.
  13. Nightime event, my elevation are positives. May 6th is late but certainly not unheard of in Central NH. My climate probably runs 2 weeks behind metro Boston
  14. NAM run brings heavy snow into Dendriteland. I'm done and don't need power issues. Trees just leafing out
  15. This would be a nightime storm which makes the odds of it happening higher. There is no leafout here in NNE but how much of the forest canopy would be in leaf by Friday in SNE? That would make this much worse...Still much can change but the chance of someone seeing frozen in NE seems over 50% even with a weaker or shifting storm track.
  16. 12Z GFS Wow for New England if this happens
  17. Beautiful May 5th morning. 37F gusty wind and mostly cloudy. Reminds me of the first real fall cold fronts with quick blowing Cu coming down from the NW. I see Alex and Franconia Notch got some snow earlier. Late week looks interesting. Snow for some? Forest canopy still bare here but ready to open. Going to be a late leafout in this pattern. Such is life in NNE Picture from the top of Cannon Mt this AM
  18. Have not paid much attention to the weather lately. I knew just a cool cloudish week up here. But ouch on the 18Z GFS! Birch bender for sure especially with leaf out begining. Probably a 20% chance of happening.
  19. I'm sorry. He probably promised more snow. Now you get the nice weather. As the country is 95F with a 70F dew you will be comfortable in the 70's.
  20. Noon April 30th 39.3F Light rain NICE
  21. This is a great idea.
  22. It's about May 1rst. Time for a Warm NNE thread. Grass is turning green and the first forsythia is turning yellow in our area. I'll start out the thread with a picture of a bluebird which I just took outside. We put out bird houses a few years ago and the opening size seem perfect for them. Each year they have chicks and the bluebird population is increasing on our property. I had never seen one when we lived in the Boston area.
  23. Last night I received about 1/4" to 1/2" of snow. I'll go with the 1/4" that puts me at 76.25" for the 2019/20 snow season. My guess is this about average for me. It seemed like I had less since there were many more frequent thaws between snowfalls. Many times this season it seemed the rain/snow line was just south of me. I am sure Concord NH had much less and it's only 35 to 40 miles south. Time for a quick greenup. Forest canopy is 100% bare and within a month from now will be in full leaf. Spring and falls seem short up here as compared to when I lived in Baltimore and then Boston. That makes sense as you move poleward on the planet as daylight increases and decreases much faster than periods further south.
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