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Everything posted by wxeyeNH

  1. Has anyone ever seen a storm produce this much lightning? What would make a storm produce this amount? Amazing video.
  2. Total miss for me today. I'll take the GFS's 1.75" for me this weekend.
  3. Missed morning rain. Will mid day stuff fire too for to the SE? Looks like it might. .55" since May 15th looks like it may stand.
  4. Still only .55" since May 15th. Hoping for rain on Wednesday. Nice thunderstorms in N Vermont casting a shadow over NH cool look vis image this evening. Went up to my view site up the road overlooking Newfound Lake and can see the tops of the anvils in Central NY as the sunsets. Always neat to see how far you can see with CuB tops.
  5. Lawn question..... if your lawn turns completely brown from drought will it come back? I don't mean kinda burnt out but totally brown. I am loosing the battle even with watering and the well can't produce enough water so parts are now completely dead. I guess the answer is yes because that is what it does in the winter. We always get periods of dryness and had that drought several years ago but this year the drought has started earlier. Thoughts?
  6. That morning thunderstorm probably screwed me for any rain today. 82.5F under the drying up cirrus anvil. Nice to see towering Cu going straight up with the light winds aloft. It's like the tropics in that regard
  7. Lots of thunder to my SE. Anvil just east of the sun so it's very dark looking. Slowly drifting in my direction 80.5/66
  8. .55" last 36 days. Watching cell to my SE. With developing sea breeze would these slowly migrate west or northwest? Someone is getting lots of rain while they basically sit
  9. 95F Roberval Quebec north of Quebec City. Looking at the satellite visible big fire started this afternoon up there. Even pyrocumulous cloud going up. Don't see that too often in S/C Quebec.
  10. Quebec City is 91F. Chibougamou Quebec about 150 miles north of them has a 90F too. Don't see that very often. Euro has very little precipitation over the next week. Maybe some will score a slow moving thunderstorm. I've had .55" of rain since May 15th. Watering the lawns as much as I can but will start refocusing on just gardens as the water table must now be falling.
  11. Saturday June 13th 3pm 56.4F and Partly Sunny. Impressive cold day with so much sun and a week away from Solstice
  12. 56.4F Partly Sunny. Kind of interesting that over the past couple of hours the % of cu has decreased but my temperature is drifting down.
  13. 58F Partly sunny Pretty cold airmass being we are almost at summer solstice
  14. 60/59F Skies begining to brighten. Ceiling lifting. Rain just ending. .20" of much needed rain. Hope warm front can make it through to give us an afternoon storm with the cold front
  15. 56/56 Thick fog has just moved in. Fun webcam timelapse past hour https://video.nest.com/clip/e20a2b658c8f47deb996af1b2c766d46.mp4
  16. 65F light rain just ending. .04" brings me up to .29" since May 15th Pond down to 25% full. Mallard ducklings hatched last night on the banks. Ducklings can't fly untill 4-6 weeks and there is no other water source around. Unless something changes with this pattern they are going to be out of luck with any water to swim in. Glad some of you are seeing a nice but quick soak
  17. 74/65 Light rain. Cell in Central NH going up quick. Should hit Brian good
  18. Showers developed just to my NW and just moved through. Scored .17" of rain
  19. My lawn is starting to brown. No rain in 3 weeks. GFS shows I miss this PM again. Pond down to 1/4 full
  20. Balmy low of 36.1F up here on the hill.
  21. This will play out most of the summer like this. See it here nearly every year for last 7 yrs. Well I got my .05" with a shower later in the evening....
  22. Waited all day to see if we would get at least a shower. An hour ago it looked like the line would make it to me. Got so close. Got about a 30 second rain shower, not quite enough to wet the deck. I really wanted just .05" or so to wet the leaves and wash the pollen off everything. Models were good at showing where the showers would get to. Still a chance with some echoes to the west but not expecting much. Bedtime... Next.....
  23. Just heard damage to Rt 16 Jackson NH. Flooding.
  24. My high today will be 89.2F. Anvil blowoff obscuring the sun now, down to 87.4F. Highest last summer was 89.8F so impressive heat today. I can look SW towards Ragged Mt and see the last patch of snow holding on.
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