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Everything posted by wxeyeNH

  1. It is interesting to see who will be in the snowy spot Phin or Alex. Last time I checked it was snowing at Phin and not at Alex. Now Alex is getting white but sun is out as Phin. Here 36.7F Occ flurries with vis 3-8 miles as they pass through Sad that this stuff is even worth posting about
  2. Few flurries here. Nice to see it snowing on Phin's cam. Really liking that we now have Alex and Phins cams up north. Just need someone in Thorton/Woodstock or Lincoln facing into Franconia Notch
  3. I agree 100%. The howls waking you up from a deep sleep are the worst. Here is a clip from my Nest Cam from a couple of years ago https://home.nest.com/camera/38f8f3baed6c45d093cfa955f6b8fc73/clips
  4. Ouch. Way out in fantasyland but Euro has a high of 13F a week from Saturday.
  5. Deaths really starting to ramp up. 1340 today. Maybe we can revisit a Covid thread again. Now that elections are over maybe politics can stay out of it?? This is on the verge of getting really bad. Thoughts?
  6. I think I got snow around Nov 8 2018 and then basically had a constant pack till spring except for a few days around Christmas when I had some patches of field showing on the south exposures.
  7. How unusual is this November warm spell? Our departures from norm must be more than SNE. It's longevity makes it very unique. Days and days of near 100% sunshine and no wind. I don't know if there are records that show 7 day departures from norm?
  8. Just another clear, no wind November 70F day. My neighbors are raking leaves and say it's almost perfect just a bit too warm
  9. It was felt by some all the way up to Concord NH
  10. Didn't feel this one up here in Central NH but have felt and heard other ones in the past. Why are earthquakes loud? Just wouldn't think they make any noise. Gotta Google that
  11. I'm going to try something different this year. Record how many winter days I snow in the air. Today is a good example. While the guys further north record actual snowfall I just have flurries in the air most of the day. That rarely happened down in Boston. Today was number 4 although we only had one day of real accumulation.
  12. 31.7F Mostly cloudy Vis range 2-5 miles snow showers and virga. Occ very light dustings in heavier showers Very typical upslope leftovers for me. Sky brighter south horizon.
  13. The upslope will catch most of the snow but still looking at the HRRR I should get an inch or two between flurries and the system tomorrow night. More importantly will be the temperatures tomorrow. I may stay below freezing all day and with the wind the windchill will be impressive for 11/2
  14. Exact opposite here. We missed most of the snow so what we got was not enough for salt. Now after the fropa it looks like we will get enough snow showers and that weak follow up system to muck up the clean roads with salt. Just bought a new car last month and want to keep the roads as salt free as possible
  15. Yeah, your best snow many times comes after the storm. Everyone has shoveled out and your upslope just keeps going and going.
  16. Cirrus getting thin up here. Just got up to 32F I think when all is said and down most of New England will have received similar snow amounts so far this season? NNE missed out on this one but got 2-8" earlier this year and now much of SNE will be in the same ball park after this storm.
  17. 28.4F Storm over. 2.25" snow at my elevation. Friend says 1" ish at Newfound Lake at 587 feet About .65" precip approx Temperatures during the last heavy band where below 30F so the trees (oaks still leafed) are not snow coated nor birches. Models were great i how it worked out. Good Luck to everyone south!
  18. Temperature is falling now 36.9F Light rain. Rain looks to now be moving out. Will part 2 deliver up here?
  19. Been stuck at 38F here. Steady light rain at 1100 feet in Central NH
  20. 18Z GFS ...another Gulf Hurricane out in fantasyland time. What do we do when we run out of the Greek alphabet?
  21. Love your cam. The snow line shows up clearly on the Presidential Range 39.7/39 Light to Moderate rain. No catpaws yet
  22. 43/42F Light rain just started. I'm guessing mostly a miss up here. Good qpf stays just south. Much of rain will be wasted but we will see when I flip later
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