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Everything posted by wxeyeNH

  1. 31.3 sleetest ended snow began 3am. Sleet and icesheet just slid of roof. Really loud. Phin, maybe that happened to you? Back to bed
  2. 950pm 32.4F Light snow but mixed at times. Temp is now falling very slowly Goodnight
  3. 32.9 Mostly light snow but at times seems like it mixes back. bit of an accumulation on rails Good report Mark. I'm at the latitude between Exit 23 and Exit 24.
  4. 33.4F Transitioned to snow in last 15 minutes
  5. 34.1/31 Light rain now mixing with catpaws
  6. 36.5F A rainy cold night. When will we flip and in what form and for how long? Living on the edge
  7. 36.6 light rain few cat paws mixed.
  8. I wash really expecting a good dump here. Im in that hotdog zone. Such a narrow zone between the haves and have nots. People have been asking me all day, how much? and I really thought we were good for a 8 to 12" and the narrow zone would be down towards Brian. Now I think I will be pinging all night and will have egg on my face. Congrats north of Plymouth NH. 38.3F Light rain
  9. 40.7F very light rain. Temperature finally falling.
  10. Really tough forecast for my hood! Congrats to all those north of me. Battle line is right through me. I might ping for hours or maybe I will just squeak in to the snow. I'm looking at 925mb and 850mb temps.
  11. Hit 41F so my 6 week run of below 40F has come to an end. Just for total fun I just looked at todays 12Z GFS Kuchera clown map. It goes out to Feb 16th. Not only does most of C/NNE get over 50" of snow for the period there is not one day the temperature goes above freezing for the nearest reporting station from me, Plymouth NH. Phin are you having fun yet? After this season the wife might be insisting you sell the house and stay down in Maryland.
  12. I made it to 40.5F this afternoon. First 40F since Dec 17th. 47 days! So close to extending the run for another bunch of days.
  13. 2:05pm Skies are totally clear except for a bit of cirus. Temperature up to 39.4F Sitting in our sunroom without heat on. Amazing how you get acclimated. Bring a Floridian up here this afternoon and they would freeze. Last time I hit 40F was Dec 17th so I really hope the temperature is maxed out so we can extend the streak. Looking forward to the next event. With nor'easters the down sloping off the Whites keeps me in a snowhole. SWFE can give me the biggest snows. In situations like this when there is no wind and we start off as a bit of liquid I put a thin plastic mat over the car windshields. Makes it so much easier than scraping. A garage would be very useful.
  14. Flips even up to me. I thought I was safe. Maybe not
  15. If the 18Z NAM was right you would be making it up and a lot more. Not that I love the NAM but the 18Z run was a special one for you, PF and Jspin. I am right on the south edge of heavy snow. I don't care what happens except a ZR storm. I was living in Metro Boston so this house was still in the fixer upper stage but just an immense amount of tree damage. We have had a few since but not like that.
  16. Where does the band of snow setup on the Ukie? Does it keep the Lakes Region snow or does the mix get all the way up to the Whites? I don't have access
  17. I like where I am for this event. I used Weatherbell and they have snow, sleet and freezing rain products. I don't know how accurate the sleet and freezing rain products are but it looks like someone in SNE or the upper Mid Atlantic is going to get a crippling ice storm. This would have a much bigger impact than a 20" powder blizzard. Where that band sets up is the question. Below is based on 12Z GFS run
  18. Just hit 20F. Without wind and bright sun it feels mild out
  19. It has been 6 weeks since I hit 40F. Since then only a few brief times above 32F. Wonder when the next time I will hit 40F again? Brief moderation this week but I don't see a 40F. In fact I don't see a 40F to after mid February. More active storm track and constant cold. This is what makes NNE winters.
  20. Sorry about posting Kuchera. Here is the 10:1 GFS
  21. Could be an interesting event. Start a thread?
  22. Another 20 incher Boston. Someone posted Kuchera. Here is 10:1 12Z GFS
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