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Everything posted by wxeyeNH

  1. I'm getting my Mustang Mache in 2 weeks. With an electric vehicle I get the $7500 fed tax credit, $1000 cash from my electric provider and for $3 per month my 240v outlet will have its own meter at .11 kwh. So I should be able to drive about 100 miles for $3.50 The downside is there are not many NH superchargers other than Teslas. We also have our new Ford Maverick hybrid truck which gets almost 40mpg.
  2. Moderate freezing rain showers have ended. Temp up to 33.8F Breaks just to the west. Temps should skyrocket now. How much of my 6" pack can I melt? Much is not glaciated and water logged from this AM so it should go quickly
  3. 3" fluff last night. Models were very good in my hood
  4. 20.5F Light snow. Snow has briefly bordered on moderate in the past hour. About 1/4" Lots of virga today with just a few flurries until steady snow started 2 hours ago
  5. Here is another video of the snow squall. My friends at 1500 feet about a mile north of me let me put one of my Nest Cams at their house. This is also a fun video to watch. It is 5 minutes long so fast forward if you like. The squall comes in bam! It was around 6pm so it was getting dark but it is still fun to watch https://video.nest.com/clip/6c435c561f0040c3b9b00779fb329167.mp4
  6. All the phones blew up around here confusing people. I'm not sure if that is a good idea or not. It scares people half to death. Why does a snow squall warning create a phone warning but a severe thunderstorm warning does not? Just asking?
  7. Vicious Squalls. The deer were grazing as the squall hit. As you know my cam faces south. I made a quick video clip. Just watch the first part. The deer at first just looked around and then bolted for the woods. https://video.nest.com/clip/a15fa36d102c4e7083045981300da51b.mp4
  8. My 9.25" of snow brings me up to 44" for the season. Not as much as Boston and most in SNE but at least I'm moving up on the AMWX snow board. This snow if just like all the "fake" snow you guys north of me get. The new pack is already down to 5 or 6" as it compacts, melts and sublimates. A glaciated snow cover would barely be dented on a day like today.
  9. Snow winding down to flurries 9". Going to be a very quick cleanup. This type of storm has less impact than an inch or two of sleety mix.
  10. "Exquisite champagne aggregates" That is great. 15.5F with moderate ECA falling 6"ish
  11. 1.5" yesterday. Everything white and refreshed. Only 36.5" of snow this season. I was below average and unless something very crazy happens I will not hit my average of 80". Upslope to the left of me nor'easters to the right (how does that song go?)
  12. These snow squalls are vicious. The one that went through here only lasted 5 or 10 minutes but it snowed about the hardest I have ever seen it. Tough to measure with a roaring wind and snow that was on the ground from a bit earlier today. Here are 2 pictures from the Nest Cam just before and during the squall. It was a wow! What would you say that visibility dropped to? Tomorrow I will fly the drone to get an exact distance to the edge of my stone wall.
  13. Wow just wow. Extreme snow squall. Very vicious and quick hitting. Probably the lowest vis that I have ever seen at my house.
  14. 19.3F Light snow Skies clouded up early this mornng. Light snow began an hour ago. Around 1/4" of an inch. Hopefully we can get a quick intense snow squall later.
  15. Phin, My max temp was 54F yesterday. Stayed around 50 to 52F last night. Like you I have lots of bare spots on south facing slopes but otherwise good. Do you think the downsloping wind off the mountains just across the valley to your south boost you are few degrees with cutter type systems?
  16. 7am 50.3F 8am 34.1 30% grass on my south exposed fields. Near 100% elsewhere
  17. Alex, get sleet up real quick or you will have a sheet of ice forever
  18. 53/41F No bare spots yet even on Central New England south slope.
  19. 1230pm 55/42F Looks like that is it for the sun. My pack is just so glaciated. Even with 18 more hours of warmth and dews I wonder how much I will be able to melt? About 6" left in south facing slopes, more in woods. For the last week a bunch of deer are just yarded up in the woods behind the house. Very hard for them to walk around with this type of snow. I hope I can melt enough off so some bare spots appear. Let them get some grazing in before it gets covered up again next week. (You can see one of my snowstakes down near the fence. Wide angle lens makes it appear crocked but it is not
  20. Congrats to you guys down there. I have not even paid attention to this storm. Just high and middle clouds with blue sky to the NW. My 35" winter continues up here with no storms in sight other than a warm cutter later. Solid 9" pack that I can walk that will be mostly gone by next weekend. The storm to my SE did give a nice sunset. If I can't post snow pics than I guess a sunset will have to do.
  21. Temps stayed around 40F all night. Snow stake down to 10" but no bare spots showing on even the steepest south slopes.
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