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Everything posted by wxeyeNH

  1. 12Z Euro southward ho. Another nickel or dime situation for CNE? Glad SNE is getting the goods. If this keeps up I will be where SNE was a few weeks ago.
  2. Here's GFS through 72 hours. Maybe a bit more to go after this for southern sections. Time to go out and enjoy the day
  3. I know a fair amount about aviation and it would be very hard to do with a plane all things considered. It would much easier to do in a a car than a plane. Better yet and real easy is to just to put governors (is that the right word) in cars so they couldn't go way over the speed limit but keep police type vehicles able to go faster. People would balk like crazy of big brother interference. Getting back to weather 12Z GFS coming in is putting down some big rain totals. I will have image in a couple of minutes.
  4. looks like he landed or crashed. Was at 900 feet and descending quickly
  5. Im watching him on flightaware. He is over rural areas but in Ripley MS just SE of him is a Walmart. It is not very easy to steal a King Air. Turbo Prop Twin. I have my private pilots license but could not just jump in a twin and fly away.
  6. Easy come easy go? I really need a 2" soaker for the water table. Looked great yesterday but wagons south. Looking like it is SNE turn. I hope it is not one of the years that the mountains get plenty of qpf as SNE comes out of the drought and I get stuck in the middle. Newfound Lake had it's lake fog going this morning. It almost looks like an eddy of wind formed in the lakes basin. 15 second time lapse last couple of hours or so. https://video.nest.com/clip/07ac83eb9b8b474996064f42ebc0c948.mp4
  7. Alex, 35.8F. Your garden gets to live another week. This will get the swamp maples turning. It's been a good summer. First half was perfect then some heat and humidity. You got much more rain than me but maybe a soak on Monday.
  8. Almost turned on the heat this morning to make sure the furnace is functioning. I'm glad I ordered 4 cords of green wood last spring. Oil and electric have skyrocketed. Even my electric car doesn't have the big financial edge it had. I know people north or me are okay in rainfall. I'm way down for the year. Maybe a good soak early next week. These nickel and dime rainfalls keep the grass green but don't get down to the roots. My baby apple trees are taking a beating for lack of rainfall and now we have a bear infestation. Almost every day I see a bear.
  9. Temperatures stayed in the low 60's today. Fall is in the air. This is perfect weather as far as I am concerned. We have just had enough rain to keep the fields green but our man made pond has totally dried up, so much so I mowed the whole thing. This happens in some years at the end of summer but I would welcome 6" rain.
  10. Watching the storms from my neighbors webcam looking west. The anvil would suggest it is moving our way but nope, line just too far west. Maybe late tonight a bit of rain? If not August will end with 2.27" for me.
  11. Dorian kind of did the same thing. Came to a crawl over the Bahamas before it turned NE and weakened. If that storm had made it a bit further west it would have destroyed the Gold Coast of Florida. Hopefully we never see that situation happen.
  12. .50" up here. Missed a good cell that went slightly south. The weathercam caught something that is kind of interesting. Was this a microburst or a curtain of heavy rain? Watch towards the end https://video.nest.com/clip/c419eda0b1f34e7b81283098d5656e8f.mp4
  13. Looks like a heavy thunderstorm just to my west. I missed all the heavy rain many places got earlier in the week so maybe I can get a quick soak. Lots of thunder as the skies slowly darken. webcams www.bridgewaternhweather.com
  14. Below is the 12Z Euro for Sept 3rd only 200+ hours away. Euro finally pops some action. High pressure moving into the Western Atlantic will steer the storms towards the US. Get ready. It's a lock.
  15. Looks like I'm done unless something gets in here later. .12" today and .17" yesterday
  16. You and me both. Yesterdays .17" brought me up to 1.70" for the month. Most of that was on 8/8 with .84" It's raining but I don't expect much. Looks like you missed almost everything today. Glad many in SNE got some real drought relief.
  17. I have been out this morning and just got home. The low level Cu were coming from the east/northeast a bit earlier but now the low level flow is backing to the south. You can really see it on this timelapse from my cam over the past hour or so. Cam faces SSW. https://video.nest.com/clip/74d9e0ecfdd94f67b9ea2b98960dd9aa.mp4 I watched the meso low yesterday. Heavy rain came right up through the Cape Cod bay. A bit further west and metro Boston would have gotten pummeled. I also just noticed the 12Z GFS pops a hurricane in a few days that heads somewhere Florida or Gulf
  18. I think about 9" officially as of an hour ago but the highest totals are around 15". That should help there extreme drought but if the soil is rock hard how much gets down to the roots of trees and plants after an endless amount of 90 to 100 days? One thing for sure, the drought begets drought can bust pretty quickly. In our neck of the woods some of the fish in Cape Cod bay are getting pretty soaking wet right now.
  19. I just looked at the HRRR and it has zip for us with the first part of the system. I am going to take under vs over with this.
  20. No Aurora last night but lots of people saw the line of the newly launched 53 Starlink satellites. Here in Central NH they passed west to east around 945pm Friday eve
  21. .31" final 1.73" so far August About 3.25" July
  22. Rain hole over me last night. Only .21" through 7am. Raining lightly now with this last band up to around .25" Congrats to those who did get some beneficial rain.
  23. Move north young man. Drip.drip.drip ----RA .12" so far
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