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Everything posted by wxeyeNH

  1. Thunderstorms gave me 2.27" yesterday evening. .65" the day before. This time I was not one of the have nots. Another tropical downpour just came through.
  2. 2.27" Thunderstorms last evening .65" The day before
  3. Actually I got to clean the Vantage Pro 2. Stratus has 2.03". Still moderate rain. Nice storm.
  4. 70/66 TS+. No wind to speak off. We had a 6.6" rainrate at one point so far ,80" storm is nw slowly winding down
  5. Out of nowhere these cells popped up this evening. Lots of lightning and thunder just to my south
  6. 81/68 I expected a lot more cloudiness and shower/storm activity up here today. It has turned out to be a mostly sunny warm and humid day. The smoke to the north has not made much progress south. My skies are still very blue. I have never seen so many fires to our north. Quebec province is mostly clear but look how many fires are burning! I have never seen this before. Of course out of sight-out of mine so people in the Northeast big cities don't realize how big of a deal this is. I would assume most people think the fires are put out.
  7. .65" yesterday. Meanwhile the wildfires are brutal in Quebec. The smoke is just now crossing into extreme NNE. Wonder how far south it makes it with the BD cold front? If it does make it to me in CNE and we have some afternoon T storms it is going to be pretty dark.
  8. Meanwhile glad we don't live in Quebec.
  9. EAB arrived here a few years ago. Ash are dying like crazy. My neighbor just cut 3 dead ones down. We spent $600 last year to treat our 2 ash. Brian, by the way the 3 chestnut seedlings we bought several years ago are doing great. The biggest one is now about 7 feet tall. Frost killed the first leave sprouts but they bounced back.
  10. Oh that's right. Gypsy moth's are no longer politically correct.
  11. As of June 15th things are nice and green in my hood of Central NH. We took a ride down R93 to the Mass line and boy have the oak trees taken a beating. Around here they are starting to leaf back out after the May freeze but south of here towards Concord many are bare. Gypsy Moths plus the freeze? Maybe Brian would know since he travels that stretch.
  12. If it had been overcast it would have been near midnight dark. This has happened a few times in history but this is definitely a once in a generation (at least) event. The upper low over Quebec was in the perfect position to drive the smoke plume down the coast.
  13. This is a once in a life time event for the Northeast. Perfect setup to bring smoke down from Quebec. I have been watching the Empire State Building Cam. Earlier it was hard to see over the East River. Now I can not see even street level. This is with clear skies. If it had been overcast or thunderstorm activity I could see how those dark days of yesteryear could have happened.
  14. View is so low you can not see ground level atop Empire State Building. If there had been cloud cover over thunderstorms it would be night black
  15. Total ground stop LGA
  16. Lower Manhattan earlier today and 1pm
  17. 2 More pictures. Lower Manhattan earlier this morning and 1pm
  18. NYC at 12:45 100% clear skies over the Tri State area. This is the view from the Empire State Building looking east. You can't see across the East River so that is 1.4 miles away. A once in a generation (perhaps) smoky day
  19. Normally there would be a west component to the wind but there has been a big upper low around Nova Scotia. That has been bringing the upper level winds south. Take a look at the satellite pictures. You can clearly see it. The low will eventually weaken which will improve air quality somewhat but there are many fires burning across Canada so don't expect dark blue skies anytime soon
  20. These Canadian wildfires are really exploding today. Amazing how much smoke is coming down into the US. I wonder why this season started so early?
  21. Flow is bring the Quebec fires south into the East Coast.
  22. 1pm 30F with moderate snow atop the Rockpile. Grabbed this picture a bit earlier. 47F with rain in my hood.
  23. Cold June 4th on the rockpile
  24. About .60" yesterday. I wonder what the June record number of hours below 50F is for my location 48.7F as of solar noon
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