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Everything posted by wxeyeNH

  1. I saw that. Sure no real spring weather over the next week. Forest canopy is still bare around here and will probably remain so on the first of May.
  2. Was at Home Depot in Tilton yesterday. Lots of annuals. Good marketing. Get them out early, let people think they can plant and then once the frost kills them rinse and repeat. Lots of extra $$. Planting in Central NH at the end of April for sensitive plants. Not a good idea
  3. 39.3F Light rain. Looking at the ridgetops looks like its snowing above 2000 feet but can't be sure
  4. Heavy rain lightning and thunder 39.3F Welcome to "warm" season
  5. Emerson Aviation calls ice out on Lake Winni and West Shore Marine calls it for Newfound. Normally they go out within a few days of each other. This morning Emerson called Lake Winni out at 524am and West Shore Marine called Newfound out at 525am. Guess someone got up a bit earlier at daybreak than the other. Cold feeling and cloudy day up here. Per usual after systems pass with my south horizon view I see sunny skies as downslope clouds dissipate over the flatlands. First forsythia opened today!
  6. Is this the same bamboo that I see down in Maryland? What a disaster down there. When I grew up there was none. Then people started planting it. It spreads like crazy with roots that make it almost impossible to stop. It seems everywhere now. About 10 years ago the neighbors next to my folk's house decided to plant a small amount to camouflage their trash can container. It has spread rapidly covering up about 1/4 of the backyard going now into my folk's property. They have hired professionals to try to irritate them, even brought in a small backhoe but they can't get all the roots and it's out of control. It is now banned in the state. Be careful with this stuff.
  7. Argghhh. Cold and raw. Clear skies just a few miles to the west. Trying to get in here. So close yet so far
  8. Has anyone else felt kind of discombobulated lately? (One of my favorite words). A week or so ago we had a snow covered landscape with endless days with the wood stove on and cold temperatures with winter jackets. Then like magic went into spring with green grass showing, warm humid feel gentle breezes blowing through the house and birds chirping outside. With the later sunsets too it's hard for the brain to adjust so fast. Discombobulated is okay going from winter to spring so fast, not so much the other way around like last October when heat and humidity came to an equally abrupt end and a couple weeks later snow fell and set in very early.
  9. That moose does not look to well. Could you tell if it was tick covered?
  10. I think at that gas station they have marks with the crests of past floods. I can't remember well but I believe some of those marks were over my head so the river has gotten much higher. With this rain event over it looks like NNE came out of this years big spring snowmelt okay. Always the chance of more heavy rain events and I'm sure still a ton of snow to melt at higher elevations but we are past the peak of greatest concern. I think)
  11. Pemi in Plymouth in flood this morning. Can't get off Rt 93 at the Plymouth exit. This happens fairly frequently.
  12. Wow on the grass green up. It was totally brown just 2 days ago and now the yard is green. I have never seen it change so fast. These endless hours of high dews and temps are doing their work. Next up is the forest. Still waiting on forsythia or those Norway maples then everything goes all at once.
  13. As of mid afternoon on Saturday Newfound Lake is still totally ice covered. I think the average ice out date is April 22nd and we should be really close. All we need is some open area so that the breeze can start breaking up the ice.
  14. I love being in the tropics and watching these things. Surrounded with Bahama blue skies these things explode vertically with very sharp outlines. Then the tops become ice crystals then they "rain out" and are gone as fast as they start only to be replaced with others in the vicinity. Wish we had these up here popping up all day long. As evening approaches and the atmosphere cooling off above the warm tropical waters they tend to get more numerous with nice light shows.
  15. If Michael had come ashore in the heart of Miami/Ft Lauderdale (Andrew just barely missed the big population centers) we would still be talking about it. Although the little town of Mexico Beach got wiped off the map this could have been so much worse. It is amazing the amount of strong hurricanes we have had recently.
  16. I heard there was a bright meteor that was seen over a wide area of the East Coast the other night. I guess it was in the Delmarva area. Just went back to my webcam footage and realized it captured it from all the way up here. Video from 1057pm April 16th https://video.nest.com/clip/7e6620ffb3894b798a22e0a693dc5fc0.mp4
  17. Why in the frig can't posters post Meteorologically sound reasoning and thought process? So many stupid posts on these boards. I don't need to spend my time reading jokes. PM each other and talk about this crap. Alex had a devastating near life-threatening situation with his family and property. I get it. Move on
  18. Nice little sleet shower passing through. Looks to end soon. Temp rising. Up to 40F
  19. Sleet 39.8F. Let's get the warm air in here
  20. PF, Vermonts the way to go for snow! Wow on 308" Hey you were the one that turned me on to Weatherbell years ago. I really thank you for that. They just switched to the new format and maybe my 62 year old brain can't figure it out. Are you having problems? I tried calling them and asking if I could speak to someone to explain my questions and they said no. Could I PM you and ask you a few questions? Really would appreciate it. Thanks
  21. Hi Guys. Is there anyone using Weatherbell with their new format? I am so frustrated with it. Would anyone be willing to PM me so maybe I can figure this out? PF, I think you use it. I want to cancel my subscription if I can't figure it out.
  22. I just happen to see that Loon is closed. On their website, they said thank you for a great season. 202" of snow. How can this be? Only 30 miles north of me, double my amount of 100" and they get no big upslope? Alex at 177" and he is in a much better area, higher in elevation, gets upslope and is further north. What did Bretton Woods report this season? Okay a couple of feet of an exaggeration but this seems ridiculous, or is it?
  23. GFS says a bit more mid week with warm front. Some flakage here too but blue sky patches
  24. A little over .50" of rain today. Never made it to 50F.
  25. The forsythia and Norway's lead the way and all follows. Watching the Boston Marathon and see forsythia yellow in Metro Boston. Went down to Concord NH yesterday and nothing blooming yet.
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