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Everything posted by wxeyeNH

  1. Storm seem to be really intensifying west of me right now. A great lightning show
  2. Just hit 80F. First 80F of 2019.
  3. At 330pm today June 26 hit 80F. First time in 2019 Nice .85" drink for the gardens yesterday
  4. This question is mostly for Tamarack. When does White Pine pollen peak? I would think it should have been everything is running so late. Everything coated here. I have been mostly able to keep all the windows closed this whole month with temps each day in the 60's to mid 70's. House guests this week and warmer temperatures mean I want to open windows wide. Is peak about over? Assume it has a ways to go in extreme northern areas.
  5. Just came in from a couple of hours of mowing. Screen shot from webcam a little while ago. Lots of towers/anvils around. These things are booking SSE. Free visual entertainment as I mowed with my 52" zero turn. Listen to music as I went along.... all is good.
  6. My brother is on I 70 right now near Vail and sent me pictures of snowcover. Trees covered too. I also see Aspen Mt got snow overnight
  7. Thick mid layer smoke moving through SNE now. Can't tell origin, N Quebec?
  8. One thing that I really noticed today was pine pollen. Cars were clean this early AM and now are dusted green. It's cool enough to keep windows closed. Don't know when it peaks but hope we get some pop up showers from time to time to keep it down. Here comes one now moving south from Plymouth.
  9. Euro is sure cool up here for next week. Don't see any 80's for me. It will be interesting to see where the heavy rain sets up tomorrow/Friday. Seems to be just north of me.
  10. Last year our 2 window units just couldn't keep the house cool. I hate heat and humidity. Home Depot and Lowe's sold out of AC's as those 70F dews stuck around through Sept. So this year I was smart (or not). I bought a 3rd 10,000 BTU in mid May. It's still in the box out in the barn. 30 day return period has passed. I have not hit 80F yet. That AC might wait till 2020 at this rate
  11. Just looked at the 18Z GFS. Big shift south at the end of the week. Keeps the heavy precip south of me. Thought it was going to be a good soak but now maybe not.
  12. My fields have so many wild flowers right now. They seem to have exploded the past week. It gets really hard to cut when it gets really high and I love the look of nice cut low fields but I know how important the flowers are to the bees/insects/butterflies. Bottom line I'll wait to mow and leave patches for the wildlife.
  13. Alex, everything is so late, still waiting for my first 80F. I guess the Lupine Festival is a bit like the Cherry Blossoms in DC. Each year is different, this is certainly a late one!
  14. 12Z Euro Min/Max for Norwood Mass over the next 15 days. What are you basing this off of?
  15. Wasn't sure if the rain would make it up to me today. It shifted north enough to just included me in steady light rain. Cool, low 60's, light rainy day. Not great for 1000's of motorcycle's heading back south from CNH Lakes Region.
  16. Last year we started some Lupine by seed. Started the plants indoors and mid-summer they were big enough to put along the stone wall right across the road from our house. They came back up this year. Gave them some Miracle Grow earlier this spring and they have taken off. Not quite at peak but getting close.
  17. We know what it is but I wonder if you posted this picture on a general public forum what % of the population would know? 50%, 25%, 10%. My guess is not much more than 10%-20% would know. 3pm and a comforatably cool 72F up on my hill while I see it's quite warm down below. My non 80F day for 2019 is safe again. Euro bumps up qpf for me with the stalled front, maybe a drink to keep the lawn and garden nice and hydrated.
  18. 57F light rain showers WTF? Expecting sunny mild day. Got to get this batch out of here! Of course it's motorcycle weekend up here so the batch will cross right over the Lake Winni area
  19. Passing brief showers and a little sun today. Temps bouncing 60-65F this PM. With the wind a feel of fall in the air. I still have not hit 80F this year. (78.6F so far) I went back to 2018 and I had hit 80F about 15 times last year by this date. With my old VP2 being so close to the roof line I could probably knock off a few of those.
  20. Question. So is today's " 12Z GFS" the FV3 data?
  21. I think Brian keeps in touch with him and he is around. Just doesn't post anymore
  22. Hope Mom is close by. We had 2 fawns born in our lower field last year and watched them grow up with Mom all through the summer, fall and winter. They moved on this spring
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