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Everything posted by wxeyeNH

  1. Looks like the shear is decreasing over TD6 to some degree. All afternoon the LLC has been getting closer and closer to the deep convection. Almost there now.
  2. Thanks Brian. It has been jerky for me and thought it was my wifi.
  3. Low was 48.5 up here on the hill
  4. 68/57 Yea, like my non 90F summer is safe. Got close but no cigar. Fine with me
  5. Nope, the Ash Borer is not up here yet. We have several beautiful Ash trees on our property. Lots of them around. I know it's coming. The forest will not look the same for a long time. Really sad
  6. Beautiful day. Near 70F Puffy Cu. High/mid clouds staying south. Sorry SNE
  7. My lawns and gardens have enjoyed the 1.5" of rain the past week or so. Look good. Really no fair to compare to Lava because I hired a lawn care company that has a fertilizing program. Once a month they come, each month with different applications. I also have a tree service that applies deep root fertizler once a season for my Red Maple, Horse chestnut and Ash which is in this picture
  8. Jeez Lava you have put so much energy into your lawn. I am no lawn expert. A couple of ideas. Make sure you keep mowing so the crabgrass doesn't reseed. About this time of year it grows those tall shoots with the triangles that have the seed. Make sure more seeds don't fall down to make next season even worse. Then maybe just let it be. Green is green. We bought 15 acres of forest up our road about 12 years ago. Clear cut a portion for views. I never seeded or did anything. Just mow it once a month or so. It now has a pretty nice lawn. Not perfect grass but mowed it looks fine to me. Maybe your lawn would look the same? Looks like it faces south to get mid day sun? Here's a pic of the lawn up the road.
  9. 66/65 Cool, dark rainy type of day. .45" Another line of showers later. I should learn over and over, cold air rules up here. Land of the dying warm fronts...
  10. Time-sensitive. 245pm What is moving eastbound through the whole NE US at super speed right now? Gravity wave. Noticing it on the vis. Just really unusual to see. Not really related to the severe threat but figured I post on this thread since its active. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=subregional-New_England-02-48-1-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined
  11. 64.5/64 Moderate rain Other than a few breaks for 10 minutes a dark and rainy day .34" Maybe as this rain passes we can destabilize and a new line will form in E NY
  12. 65.2/64 Breaks warm front moving through. Thunder northeast. Now convective line moving in from west.
  13. 64/64 1/8 fog moderate rain, clap or two of thunder .27"
  14. 63.9/63 Light rain .18" in and out of low ceiling. Cool wedge holding on
  15. Seems like winter when the warm air gets to about the famous Canterbury rest area and stalls. Will be interesting to see if it can punch through. Congrats SNE although unlike a 12" snow storm, severe thunderstorms cause real damage.
  16. 63/62 light rain .13" Maybe someone can explain how NNE is in a slight risk today? Warm front still south of me. Bit of clearing in VT before that convective line comes through. No real clearing behind it. I don't see any real warming/clearing so everything looks to be south of around Manchester NH today. Am I missing something?
  17. 60.8/60 Light rain .08" Cool and dark morning.
  18. At the red light in Bristol NH today I happen to notice the hill and snapped this picture. No color correction here but the first trees are showing some lightning of their deep summer green. Guess they know that daylight and sun angle is decreasing.
  19. 78/70 Threaded the needle perfectly between showers. No rain today. Hopefully others on the board will get interesting stuff today.
  20. Towers going up W NH and W/C Mass.
  21. SPC just upgraded much of SNE to slight
  22. 79.5/72F Clear. Good heating for a change without morning crap. Would like to see a nice line form early PM in VT and give a nice T storm.
  23. .06" from dying Thunderstorm last night. Last evening after dark sat out on my deck and watched the light-show to the SW. Crickets chirping away, complaining of the coming fall, a couple of deer eating apples in our pasture near me and silence except for distant thunder. Radarscope loaded on the phone. Cells built nicely over Western NH and headed my way. Popcorn ready! Storms coming. Crap, as they got to me they died. Still a great warm, humid summer evening in rural NH.
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