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Everything posted by wxeyeNH

  1. 12Z Euro seems a bit weaker. Keeps any snow north of Manchester NH
  2. Weatherbell support told me I can now post Euro images to AMWX. 18Z run is weaker with the low. Here is 12Z and 18Z comparison with there 10 to 1 snowfall ratio
  3. Weatherbell just changed it's policy so I can now post Euro info. Some serious cold next week. Here is 12Z Euro and 18Z GFS temperatures for 7am next Tuesday
  4. Last week there was some discussion about Weathermodels.com allowing Euro map posting. I use Weatherbell so I emailed them. They also changed their policy so I will start posting graphics from time to time.
  5. I was figuring it would work opposite. She moves up here to get good snow and then it's a winter of heavy virga up here with storm after storm smoking SE New England. Ouch, looks super cold early next week with perhaps more snow chances? Euro min's show lows in the single numbers in NNE. Thanksgiving skiing?
  6. I agree with you. For some reason I like dark afternoons in the winter but not dark mornings.
  7. I guess the "Ditch the Switch" movement is growing. Another words staying on Daylight Saving Time year round. Sounds great, sunsets an hour later in the morning. Down side is later sunrises. Since New England is on the eastern side of the Eastern Time Zone we really would get shafted in the AM. Sun rises after 815am in December. It was tried in the 1970's. People thought is was a great idea and then people hated it. What do you think, should we not move the clocks forward tonight? Personally I hate dark mornings (ha, models would come in an hour later too!)
  8. My weatherbell snow product map has 6-10" for most everybody in SNE except the Cape Cod area.
  9. I never thought of that. NE Kingdom has crappy radar coverage so obviously it will show much lower qpf than actually fell.
  10. PF, big difference in precipation from W VT to E VT. After a dry September I ended up with 5.7" in October. Here is October rainfall for NNE.
  11. 44.7 down from 67F .75" rain total. Peak wind so far 38mph from the south. I'm sure there are 40plus gusts occuring but my oak's are doing a good job of keeping strongest NW winds away although Im having frequent 30-35mph NW winds Edit 10am Gust to 47mph NH
  12. So many kids out tonight. Bit of drizzle but you can't beat mid 60's. Was a great night in most of NH
  13. Welcome Diane to the NNE subforum! First potential snow of season towards the end of next week?
  14. Welcome to NH Diane. Best move I ever made moving up here. NNE subforum grows!
  15. 42F Light rain. Rain shield pulling east. .85"
  16. Heavier rain now coming through our area up here. 39.2F Moderate rain. About 1/3" so far
  17. Just read the SFO weather discussion. Not a storm but historic offshore wind event coming. Don't see this type of wording in AFD's very often. Big fire is now ongoing north of SFO but the whole area is primed for fire.. A potentially historic, long duration, extremely critical offshore wind event is forecast to occur beginning around 8pm tonight and persist through early Monday. The storm prediction center has placed the North Bay and portions of the Sacramento Valley under the highest fire weather risk, extreme, while most remaining portions of the San Francisco Bay area are under critical fire level risk. Internal statistical analysis tools suggests the offshore component of these winds are over 6 standard deviations above the norm with this event (3.5+ is usually near record, so that is extreme). Aside from the long duration... extremely strong offshore winds, critically low humidity, dry fuels that are primed to burn, and wildfire already on the ground (from the Kincade fire) have all combined to bring these extreme fire weather conditions. Peak wind gusts are expected to occur between 3am and 10am Sunday morning, with gusts of 60-80mph at 2500+ ft, across the ridges/peak, with 40-60mph gusts 1000-2500ft, and 25-40mph possible down to sea level in the valleys and major urban areas of the San Francisco Bay Area/Santa Cruz mountains. Winds will remain gusty through the day Sunday, but will ease slightly through the day, particularly by the afternoon to early evening.
  18. I'm going through old photo's and just found these. No date. I've had the house up here since 1989 so really don't know. Maybe the winter of 2008 which was a big one but could be older.
  19. Thanks Will and Jerry. Yeah, just the quick parameter found on most sites.
  20. Quick question for you guys since we are talking cold and snow. In general what is the best parameter to look at for snow vs rain? 540 thickness or the 850mb temperature? I know a lot more goes into snow forecasting than this but when I quickly look ahead in incoming weather events I'm not sure what is better to use. Thanks
  21. My brother lives out in Aspen. So much snow all ready. He sent me this picture. It made me laugh
  22. 64F clear skies on Oct 24th. Not bad.
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