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Everything posted by wxeyeNH

  1. Just looked at the qpf output with the 0Z NAM. Seems like this is becoming a non event for much of Western New England. Very little qpf now. Trend is our friend?
  2. Yeah, its so hard to have sustained bare ground up there after mid to late November. You get thaws and cutters but then on the back side get the upslope that refreshes the pack. I don't think you keep stats on snowcover since you moved up from Boston but I just can't remember seeing mostly bare ground on your cam for more than a few days at a time in winter.
  3. I think you will be fine. .50" of precip, if that. It all falls with temps in the 30's so not much melting. Some freezing rain, some sleet then Tuesday it turns back to a couple of inches of snow. I think the net result will be neutral. I certainly don't see any bare ground up there.
  4. 18Z GFS backs more qpf into Vermont and western portions of NNE. 18Z on left, 12Z on right. Not sure how accurate these Weatherbell Maps are but I see a .83" of ZR in bullseye places. Enough to cause problems
  5. Nice GOES picture today. Can really see the snowcover line cutting across New England. Yesterday's warm temperatures melted about 50% of my snowcover. Here in Central NH the snow cover line cuts right through my area. 5 miles south almost nothing while just north the snowcover held on. Interesting storm coming up. Obviously no snow of consequence but sleet/freezing rain for much of at least the west portions of NNE. Euro gives me 1" of total qpf.
  6. 22F Light snow vis 1 mile. Didn't expect snow this afternoon as far south as me.
  7. 23F and light snow. Vis about 3 miles I figured there would be some over running snow in the mountains but didn't expect it here.
  8. It's the warm air coming in aloft. Just gray and cold here, 22F. I don't know what is wrong with me but it's only Nov 14th and I'm kind of done with the cold and snow. Why am I thinking about days on the beach and a warm climate?. Something definitely wrong here, I need to go see a therapist.
  9. Impressively cold day today. High was 19.3, low was 6.6 Last November had some impressive cold. I went back to look. On 11/22/18 my high was 12.4 and low 1.7. Although that date is a week later in the season it was more impressively cold relative to normal. Lost my wallet and had to spend the frickin day down in Concord for a new drivers license. Solid snow cover here and starts thinning out pretty quickly as I went south. Only a dusting in the shade in Concord but they sure did salt the roads. (After this wallet fiasco I'm buying those tile things. My brother has them and it's saved him a few times.)
  10. Plus Nashville is 21F at 7pm. I think they broke their record low maximum which was 34F till today. Their record low for tonight I believe is 18F which they should break too.
  11. Glad everyone in E Mass/RI and E Connecticut is getting some flakage this afternoon. Western edge of cloud shield is getting close to give me a nice sunset
  12. Deep winter 22F at 1pm with snowcover. Ended up with 2". Like PF said, snow growth was awful yesterday afternoon. Snowed for a few hours but the flakes were tiny. So a very dense pack with overnight freezing drizzle. Added another 1" of fluff this AM
  13. 23.4F (down 8 from high mid morning) Snow flurries. Storm total 2" but probably was a bit more before sleet compacted the late afternoon snow. (How is that really measured? Lets say I had had 2" of fluff yesterday PM and then an hour of moderate sleet to compress the pack quickly back to 1". Is the storm total 2" or 1" if I don't go out to measure before compaction?)
  14. Snow about to end here 27.9F Light snow some blowing snow 2" Season total 3"
  15. 30.9F Light snow Vis 3/4 Looks like I've reached my high temperatures and now falling. Storm total (estimate 2")
  16. Moderate snow 31.2F Light snow yesterday afternoon. Sleet and freezing rain last eve to freezing drizzle and 28F overnight. Everything iced over. Went to snow around 730am. Temperatures with the snow have been rising. 31.1F is our high since late afternoon. So air is mixing with low level cold being scored out. Cars encased in ice so just got the cleaned off before fropa which should be any time now
  17. 30.4F Light snow. Good snow growth vis 1.5 miles Temperatures feel to 32F around 4pm yesterday and have stayed below since. Light snow began yesterday afternoon and changed to sleet then freezing drizzle in the evening as temperatures fell into the upper 20's. Overnight light freezing drizzle. Heavier precip began an hour ago as brief freezing rain then sleet and a change to snow in the past 10 minutes. Total snow/sleet from the first part of the storm about 1/3". Now everything is getting a fresh coat.
  18. I never see rabbits. Very cool
  19. Earlier I heard Franconia Notch was really bad too. I'm at 30.5F with freezing drizzle. The 1/2" of snow earlier was very dense and is mixed with sleet too. My road has not been treated and is compacted icy crap. Much of my town is 600 feet lower than me so it's probably just wet below my elevation.
  20. 32.1F Light snow and sleet. About 1/3" of dense white stuff on the ground
  21. 31.7F Light snow just changed over to sleet. Warm air aloft is advancing north bit faster than I though. Only perhaps 1/4" of snow on the ground. Model snow products had me in the 2.5-3" range before changeover. Congrats area north
  22. 32.3/30F Temp continues to slowly drop. About 1/4". Vis about 1 mile
  23. 34.8F here too. Light snow just started
  24. 34.9/29 Dark overcast. Models have a very sharp snow line right through my area. Really nothing 10 miles south and several inches the other way north. Will be interesting. Wood stove going full force while it's in the 60's in part of SNE. Snow from the other day has now melted but looking at Mt Cardigan just west of me. At 3100 the summit is still snowcovered.
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