34.7F Fog, some light rain. CAD always wins. Snow stake 12". The pack has a lot of sleet in it and is very durable. This rain will definitely not wipe out any pack. I don't expect to see any grass showing on even south facing pastures.
31" Light snow. 4.25" With temperatures starting in the mid to upper 20s and just in the past hour getting above 30F this is another easy powdery snow to snow blow.
This will put me over 70" on the season. Snow stake is just below 14"
Brian,nope not yet. I have the spot lights on and I'm watching closely. It seems like we're in a little bit of a low right now just a little bit of sleet and lots of snow grains. I'll post immediately when we start to flip
18.8F Light sleet and snow grains. So far a very easy storm. 5" of dry snow then just sleet and snow grains all afternoon. We await a flip.
High was 19.4F. Although I can drive to Boston in around 1:45 minutes our climate is so different. I have not hit 32F since February 4th. I have yet to hit 40F in 2025. Last time I did that was on New Year's Eve. 15" at the snow stake and it is powder snow all the way down to the grass.
Yeah, lots of small sleet pellets and a good amount of snow grains. I'm going to guess and say my visibility is only 1/2 to 3/4 miles but it is because of the snow grains. When I flip I will definitely post.
Temp stuck at 19.3F
17.9F S+ Vis 1/4 I was thinking of that but my snowblower may not be able to hande it if it is too much. Just puking snow right now. Do you think we flip back to snow at the end of the storm?