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Everything posted by mayjawintastawm

  1. Several PWSs over 100 degrees right now, closest one to me reading 98. Hottest day of the year so far in my neighborhood.
  2. That cell was spawning tornadoes for about 2 and a half hours, according to NWS storm reports. Our friends north of Burlington whose ranch is right on 385 were maybe 5-8 miles from it and saw the tail end. Scary. It would have passed right over their house had it kept going.
  3. Severe thunderstorm with 1.25 inch hail zeroing in on DIA. Should make some interesting pics.
  4. I'm about that or a little more given PWSs in my area, probably 0.7" Monday, 0.2" Tuesday and 0.4" yesterday. Nice! Should have planted shrubs when we were thinking about it earlier in the summer. We probably won't get another year like this for a long time. I'm guessing this is a really nice opportunity for the trees in the Front Range metro to recover from the last couple of tough years and the fall colors will be remarkable.
  5. More scattered and not as heavy tonight. DIA didn't even get anything measurable. I'm guessing we got 0.2" here. On the good side, I got a new Ambient Weather station for my birthday a few days back to replace an aging AcuRite one, so once I can get up to my roof to install it, we'll have some good data from here. My current rain gauge got stuck and hasn't cooperated since the heavy stuff started in May.
  6. Looking like we'll have a week of monsoon, finally. Will be a nice change, though I can't complain too much about summer heat this year. Things have been pretty dry around here the last two weeks, with the sprinklers on regular summer mode to keep things from getting too crispy. The mosquitoes are slowly diminishing, which is nice, though I imagine they'll pick back up in a week or so.
  7. We probably had the most cycles of rain-thunder-sun-rain that we've ever had today, like 6. None of the storms lasted more than an hour, most like 10-15 minutes. Moving really fast! Weird. Started at 5 AM, also very weird for here.
  8. Just looking once more at climate stats as we hopefully near the end of this crazy period... Centennial Airport had 8.99" of rain in June, and over 17" since April 22nd. Just nuts. Only time I've experienced this degree of rain before was when we lived in MA, and had 15" in June of 2008 or 2009. The tomato plants grew to 8 feet high that summer.
  9. We threaded the needle and stayed dry, though I wish we hadn't, given the enormous number of large fireworks people are lighting off in our neighborhood. Didn't need that roof, anyway... Then of course after I wrote this, we got deluged by close to an inch of rain with some hail after 11 PM. These nighttime downpours are something I have not experienced much before this year.
  10. A big hail season this year! Fortunately nothing destructive so far as I know today. Picture from Coors field from a couple hours ago. Crazy thing is that the first picture I found was a similar view from June 28, 2016. This week tends to be quite the severe weather week for Denver, year over year.
  11. Whew! good news. Looked like it was making a beeline for Parker, then after it crossed I-25 it fizzled. We ended up OK too, the hail somehow went one way or another over our neighborhood. On another note, now that we've had a fair number of tornadoes in Eastern CO this year, it seems like the vast majority, even big ones like how this started out, come and go within a few minutes/miles. Long- or even medium-track ones are rare indeed. Even in the Northeast where I grew up it's not uncommon to see them go 5-10 miles when they do occur, although it's rare to see any at all.
  12. F**K. PDS tornado warning in Highlands ranch moving toward Parker. Smokeybandit, get inside and down in the basement!
  13. That's just south of my house. We are about where the L in Centennial is on that screenshot. I'm at work now but hairy indeed. That area is basically a big suburb nested within a high-tech megaplex with multiple malls, etc.
  14. Surprisingly, given all the chaos last night, no COCORAHS site got more than 3" in the extended Metro area. I wonder if there were a few spot areas that got more, as the scope of flooding in some spots made it look like more. We got just over a half inch of rain.
  15. What a difference an outflow boundary makes!! Radar loop (which I can't figure out how to post) the last hour is impressive.
  16. well, that's exciting. West toward the population centers, not much of anything happening, and dewpoints are slowly dropping. Just a couple tiny lonely cells. Might be a nothingburger for most of us unless the front/outflow boundaries move west and south.
  17. SPC has upgraded most of the Front Range and adjacent Plains today to Enhanced Risk, based mainly on large hail. Looks like 4-10 PM will be the time to watch. Keep those cars inside and plants under cover.
  18. I'm probably around 13" for the year, with 12" of that in the last 60 days. Malaria ain't far off.... Wish I had a great big tank underground to store some of this. By August I'll probably be watering 3x a week again.
  19. If I filled the boxes in right, it looks like a COCORAHS station near Arapahoe Park (just east of Aurora) got 9.84" of rain in May. Amazing. Centennial got just over 6.6". Lots and lots, and lots, of mosquitoes tonight. Everything green is happy though. What's just as incredible is my friends in central and western NY state got only 0.4"-0.75" with many days in the 80s. I think we traded weather.
  20. Centennial has about 6.5" and DEN about 5.5". I'm too lazy right now to look at COCORAHS around me but would guess several have 7"+ as well. Half a year, indeed. The Denver Metro area saved millions on lawn watering this month.
  21. Those storms got us this afternoon as I was driving, not too fun but hail stayed just small enough to not create problems (0.75" or so). Yes, traffic was bad. Good moisture. Raining again now. Foggy in the morning perhaps.
  22. We seem to have fallen through both holes in the swiss cheese, with 0.06" rain total the last 2 days.
  23. It was noticeable pretty much every day since last Friday around the Front Range, except Sunday which was a lot prettier. Figures that the one year we have a wet Spring, we get smoke from other places.
  24. Congrats and welcome! I don't think we have any posters from WY so that's especially good. Also, noticed you're from Fleetwood- we lived in Allentown (actually Emmaus) for several years in the mid 90s and my wife grew up in Bethlehem.
  25. And DIA was a relative low-precip site compared to several others in the Metro area. Places that got the brunt of the thunderstorms received 1-1.25 inches on the 10th, and much of the south and east metro area received 3.7-4.3 inches on the 11th. So this was really significant, especially because on the 10th the QPF predictions were mostly between 1.5 and 2.5 inches for the entire event. The Cherry Creek Reservoir level went up 9 feet over the last 3 days. This is 1.8 feet short of the 3rd highest level ever, in 1983, and about as high as I have seen it in our 13 years here, comparable to the September 2013 flood. This is also a special event because prior to the rain, it was at its lowest point in several years due to the dry winter.
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