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Everything posted by mayjawintastawm

  1. There is a large severe thunderstorm watch up for the entire CO and WY Front Range, so far, after 4 hours, there are exactly zero storm reports. Radar is looking mighty sparse. On a brighter note, I got a home weather station for my birthday last week, to replace one that’s been beaten up over the past several years (Anemometer broken by hail and a tree fell on the rain gauge). Need to go up on the roof and install it!
  2. I'm beginning to think that the next time I see 0.3" or more there will be a vaccine available for coronavirus.
  3. This was like it was in 2012 (though 2012 was hotter- 95 felt like a respite at times). Then there were a couple years that were cooler and wetter, almost enough to make you forget. The really weird thing about this year has been the abrupt change: how much snow we got and how cold early April was, before everything turned on a dime.
  4. Lot of haves and have nots in CO- this is from Weather5280: we got just under 0.2" last few days, so mostly in the have nots, like FoCo. Crazy storm in Yuma County and just over the border in NE, with 10"+ verified on the ground. Smack on US 34- I wonder if anyone got pics.
  5. Last year was really a nonsoon. This past weekend had hints, but likely short-lived. Tomorrow is one more chance. Last really decent monsoon was about 4 years ago. I know, Eastern CO never gets it reliably, but we do usually get some rain. This year just hurts more because the usual May-June wet period was REALLY nonexistent. We didn't even really have a single significant hail event (1" or greater) at my house.
  6. Would love some rain! Everything has been getting very crispy in the south Metro area, starting to worry about fires.
  7. I saw it quite dimly with binoculars only last night- but it was hazy and there was so much diffracted light from Denver that I could barely even make out the Big Dipper with the naked eye.
  8. So far for my comet viewing, it's been smoky or cloudy up in the western sky the last 4 days in a row till after 11 PM. No letup in sight with afternoon and evening (mainly dry) convection. Thinking about driving up over the foothills to get a glimpse at some point.
  9. Part of me hopes for rain in the evenings but more of me hopes for clear skies... starting today, the comet should be visible an hour or so after sunset low in the NW (for me, about halfway between Longs and Mt Evans), climbing a bit higher over the mountains for the next few days.
  10. And we're only at about 63% of normal precip YTD here in Denver, though DEN airport got its first >0.1" in a while a couple hours ago.
  11. Wow!! Can't wait till it's visible in the evening.
  12. The duddiest since we arrived in 2010. It'll happen if you stick around long enough. Might come in September, who knows.
  13. Would love to see that but I'm very skeptical. Dry has been generally winning out- anytime moisture threatens to increase it gets squashed.
  14. There is a flash flood warning for my exact town. Apparently 1.5 inches of rain have fallen. I go outside and the ground is bone dry. Where’s the big umbrella in the sky?!? Grr, the past two weeks we should have had 1-2 inches and have had 0.02”.
  15. this is a weird pattern. North of Denver is OK, Albuquerque and south is OK, in between is an absolutely cracking drought. Persistence!!
  16. Would be nice. I was thinking this AM about how few thunderstorms and how little hail (I know I should not wish for hail!!) we've had so far in June. Should have planted the tomatoes earlier!
  17. Have to say I'm quite done with this wind... broken branches on Sat, more broken branches on Sun, and still more last night. The rain was great, but 3 straight days of 50+ mph gusts (peak around 70 on Sat) is enough. If I were a tree, I'd pull up my roots and move. Come to think of it, a neighbor's healthy 45 foot spruce did just that during the derecho. (sorry, no pics because it was on top of their house)
  18. Storms holding together as they come off the foothills this PM, with a bit of a Denver cyclone and DPs in the mid 40s. One SW of Castle Rock looks like it's starting to rotate. Anybody down there seeing anything off to the west? Could be some surprise hail down by Larkspur/Monument shortly. Tis the season! EDIT: Fizzling 20 minutes later.But one NE of there was briefly severe warned for hail.
  19. Most places in the Front Range area getting around an inch of rain this afternoon and early evening, so welcome! Lots of places getting snow above 8000 feet, and accumulating in the mountain towns. I don't think I've seen snow falling outside of the high mountains on or after Memorial Day weekend since we moved here 10 years ago.
  20. Actually felt good this AM with DPs in the low 50s. Now it's back to windy and nose-desiccating.
  21. Inside and not at home, but will see how the yard looks later. EDIT: Dry. Less than 0.1" of rain since 4/23. EDIT 2: Finally broke the streak about 8:20 with just under 0.2" rain and a little hail to 0.6". Nice.
  22. You get those nightly here between Memorial Day and late June. I don't know exactly why it is so much louder, maybe drier or less dense air transmits the sound better. One of my dogs absolutely hates it. We've been quite dry through all this- only 0.02" of rain in almost 2 weeks during what is one of the wetter parts of the year climatologically.
  23. We have friends in the business who were updating us- delays, plus rain showers and low level turbulence, made for a less than ideal tour with a couple shortcuts toward the end. Still, they did what they could before they bugged out to Nellis. A 7 hour mission in a fighter with multiple midair refuelings makes for a tough day!
  24. Yeah, down to 8 F one morning and 12 F another one last week, with others in the mid teens. Amazing sustained cold for this time of year. Unfortunately, spring is as gray as fall was after 10/12. All the blossoms on the trees, even those that were not really out yet, are dead. Maybe a few apple trees in shadier locations will recover, hopefully.
  25. And edit: got 3" more this PM so 4" total on this storm, not a total bust after all. With the 4.2" the other day, that makes 11.0" for the month and 89.1" for the season. Pretty sure it's the snowiest "winter season" since we arrived in 2010. BTW, I heard that the majority of the peach crop in Palisade was lost this week. That REALLY stinks. Best produce in Colorado.
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