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Everything posted by mayjawintastawm

  1. We managed to get buried with 0.7" low density snow the past 24 hrs. Right now it is -10. Strange things are happening: my hand froze to the inside handle of the storm door when I went to open it, there is ice on the inside of the door threshold, and when I tossed a corn log to feed the squirrels back outside when the dog brought it in, it shattered into 4 pieces when it hit the ground. I'll try the boiling water trick tomorrow AM.
  2. Dropped 20 degrees in just under an hour (45 to 25) from 6:10 to 7:00 PM at my house yesterday, just after the wind dropped off. Stayed around 12 degrees all night long.
  3. Interesting discussion on the MO/OK/etc thread about the 18z GFS at fantasyland time... OKC has like 40 inches of snow, about 10x what DEN has. Hide the sharp implements. Is there a D5 (all vegetation incinerates and moonscape ensues) drought level?
  4. It's raining here. I don't think I've seen rain in about 5 months. I have seen fire though.
  5. I've tried not to even look at anything outside of 72 hours this winter, puts me in too bad of a mood. Will look tomorrow.
  6. Crazy inversion this morning. Below about 5500 ft it's 30, above it around 50 just a few miles away.
  7. Blizzard of 78: was 12 years old, and my parents were taking their ONLY vacation ever without us in Bermuda. We had a (fun) babysitter. 30 inches at my house. Parents were stuck in Bermuda till Sunday evening and could only drive home with a MA State Police permission slip (which my 85 year old Dad still has). I still have a test tube full of water from that snow, though much has evaporated (somehow through the cork?) so there's about an inch left in the bottom. 2 weeks off from school and the most fun was jumping off our roof into a 5-6 foot drift.
  8. Yup, been here 10 years now, variability is the only constant. And most snow is in Feb/Mar/Apr/October. We sold our 25 year old John Deere in about 10 seconds before moving from SNE, cause we have a self-shoveling driveway here (faces due South). Also, last year (2019-20) we had the snowiest early season since we've been here, with about 2 feet by Thanksgiving- Parker had even a little more if I remember right. And sun angle is a HUGE determinant of snow removal around here- so Nov-Dec-Jan snows need a lot more work than Mar-Apr snows.
  9. Mine was 30, but I know nearby was double that. If I multiply what I get on my roof by a little over 2, I'm close to what's really happening. Lots of 30-40 foot spruce trees in the neighborhood creating a local stable layer.
  10. Aha- so it's the -NAO combined with the SSW events. Do big cold dumps of air happen in other places when the NAO is positive or neutral and SSW events happen? Or are they tightly linked?
  11. OK, revealing that I am truly not a met but a frustrated winter precip lover who migrated to an area with a lot less moisture.... The stratospheric warming event being talked about so much frequently leads to big cold air dumps and storminess in the mid latitudes (the "polar vortex"). It seems like this pattern occurs only between about 30 degrees E and 90 degrees W longitude though. I can't find a reason that it isn't more evenly distributed around the Pole. Any ideas why? It's probably obvious but I'm missing some key information. Thanks in advance.
  12. 1.7" this "storm", 22.6" on the season. Yawn. About average for this time of year, thanks to the early season stuff.
  13. And I thought it was my browser or my neighborhood bandwidth... reminds me of the good old days of the mid 90s when the best thing to do when calling up a radar was to get a cup of coffee while it loaded.
  14. This weekend: 3.9" total (1.2 then 2.7"). With this week's storm and next week's temps, the East Coast may have some flooding on their hands just in time for Santa. Weird.
  15. Check out opensnow.com. Long term forecasts have a paywall but they are as accurate as any. Unfortunately it's looking really dry for the foreseeable future.
  16. I was inside but apparently about 2 PM my local airport had a temp of 70 F with a dew point of -8 F. I think that's the driest I've seen it in December here (RH 4%). Gonna have to drag out the hose and sprinkler again, never had to do that with the Xmas decorations up before.
  17. 5.1” here. Good moisture content too, probably the wettest event in at least a couple of months!
  18. That’ll be interesting if that map verifies. The last zillion storms in a row gave Boulder and the foothills the jackpot, this looks the reverse. Strange.
  19. So given that it's 4-5 days out, multiply QPF by 0.3 east of the mountains to get actual precip. At least that's been the trend for several months now.....
  20. Got stuck in that dust/rain/snow squall with a 54 MPH gust at APA this morning at 9:00. Beautiful first half of a bike ride... second half was hard! Now clear but winds steadily building again, gusting to 40s.
  21. 1.5" here. The top inch or two of the ground softens up a bit with each little snowfall, then 5 days later it's hard as a rock again.
  22. I got 2" before 4 PM yesterday, another 2.2" by 10 PM and another 1.8" at 7 AM today... so while it's super fluffy and likely not more than 0.25" WE, that makes 6". So there we are.
  23. Bands giveth and bands taketh away. We got 2" earlier, not much the past 2 hours and now it is partly sunny and 15 F. Differences west of the Divide are pretty incredible: we were in Avon Fri night-Sun AM with daytime temps in the mid to upper 50s and only down to the upper 30s at night. Today it was 36 at the Eisenhower Tunnel (11K ft) at about 3 PM, then within two miles down the hill toward Georgetown it dropped 30 degrees. Was 5 in Georgetown.
  24. F@&$king fire. Hope you and your neighborhood are ok. When will this pattern ever break?
  25. Missed that post- been off the board for a bit. Wicked awesome!! Have to go over to the SNE forum to see what they’re saying.
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