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About mayjawintastawm

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  1. And ice went out on Cherry Creek Lake over the last 24 hours, remarkable because 2 weeks ago it was at its thickest. 60s during the day with full sun and nights above freezing will do that. Short season this year, only about 8 weeks frozen.
  2. We had 0.20" of rain and a trace of snow, and no precip after midnight. Only impact here was to tip over a few lightweight patio chairs. Quite the bust as the storm exited stage right faster than anyone predicted. Back edge of the snow is already at the CO/KS border at 9 AM.
  3. But the QPF is still pretty robust. 0.5" Denver (5300'), 0.6" here (5650'), 0.7" Parker (6000'), but only 1 inch, 2 inches, and 3.5 inches of snow. Seems as much wet as a whiff. Strange. CO seems to have a force field against upper level lows lately.
  4. Temps could be an issue with this one, though usually they trend colder with time. Also speed of the system. Also amount of moisture. Basically everything. But the next 2-3 weeks are the "most interesting time of the year".
  5. Feb total 9.6" at my house, season to date 47.3". Doing well in spite of the relative dryness. Next week could indeed be interesting. Almost certain to beat my annual average of around 55-60" thanks to that big November storm.
  6. We got just over 6" of a semi-surprise snow at my place. Gorgeous powder. Of course I had to catch an early flight so was shoveling at 4:15 AM and couldn't go enjoy it... would have been a nice XC ski outing.
  7. Mountains have done great with this pattern but we've largely missed out, with <0.05" precip through Feb so far and a good chance it will stay basically dry (just traces here and there) close to the rest of the month. Last day with >0.1" water here was... November 9th. Since 11/9, 101 days, Centennial (closest station to me) has had 0.41" water. Grr.
  8. Hopefully this storm will be juicier than the last several for the southern and central mountains. BV looks pretty dry in that picture.
  9. Snow was quite a bust, but temps weren't. Only 1.1" after 0.5" earlier in the week. Down to 4 now, who knows how low it will go if skies clear.
  10. It's 65 at DEN and 32 at Fort Morgan, less than 50 miles away and lower in elevation. Front, anyone?
  11. 11.5" snow in January, to go with 1.0 in Dec and 25.2 in Nov for a season total of 37.7" so far.
  12. Man, we could use some of this drama in the Mountain West forum. Would be fun. But I get it for sure- lived in SNE till 2010 and cut my weather teeth in the 80s, the decade of rain and frozen tundra and changing the channels back and forth between Channel 4, 5 and 7 to see if there was a ray of hope from any of the forecasters. And the Red Sox mostly sucked then too.
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