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Everything posted by PWMan

  1. Fun while it lasted. Nice little dusting. These rarely amount to much accumulation-wise here.
  2. I haven't been model-watching, but it seems pretty quiet in here. Is the midweek storm gone?
  3. It's going to be messy right along the coast. Our DPW and PD have been putting the word out about expected road closures since yesterday morning.
  4. I think some of the "I don't care about pack" stuff is a defense mechanism. It's also a lot easier to say when you don't have any to lose.
  5. We did have some decent wind here (I'm about a mile from the ocean), but no real damage and we never lost power; it helps to be near a main artery with a fire station at each end. I didn't even lose any tree limbs, I assume partly because the last storm took out all the low-hanging fruit.
  6. Gorgeous, breezy day out there now. I just took the lights down.
  7. I finally got back from Chicago last night after being stuck there due to the last storm (+ ripple effects from 737 Max groundings; United has a bunch in their fleet). I'm glad I managed to thread the needle, as the next 24 hours will not be conducive to aviation.
  8. The totals have fluctuated, but that sharp northeastern cutoff near PWM has been consistent. Just looking forward to seeing something at this point.
  9. What a disaster. I know we're supposed to compartmentalize and live in the moment, but this definitely dampens the excitement for the weekend system.
  10. Yeah, seems like it's CNE/NNE that's more on the fence. Looking like mood snows or cirrus/dim-sun here unless "the north trend" kicks in.
  11. Having grown up with an airline pilot (and former USAF pilot) for a dad, I've always had a good awareness and appreciation for the tech and physical tolerances associated with modern planes. Of course there's always a human element, but one of the biggest advancements in commercial flight has been the improvements in cockpit communication protocols which ensure that crews are much less likely to get crossed up or make a reckless decision because they're running behind schedule or because a stubborn captain just wants to do it his way. The weakest link at this point is the air traffic control system, especially in congested areas. It really is amazing when you stop to think about how efficiently everything works most of the time, despite the occasional well-publicized snafus. Anyway, it's looking like December will go out with a damp whimper. Maybe we'll finally make it to freezing before the midnight countdown.
  12. Driving home just now through yet another round of drizzle, it hit me that at this point I’d actually be excited to just see the sun for a while. Snow isn’t even part of the equation.
  13. 0.44” since midnight. Just reached 6” for December, with a trace of snow for the month. Nothing on the horizon.
  14. Yesterday my oldest son accepted a broadcasting gig with a summer college baseball league (sort of like the Cape League) in Palmer, AK. My wife and I are looking into visiting during the summer, but last night I weenied out looking at their current conditions and forecast. Days and days of snow.
  15. What I'm referring to are the hit-and-run posts of torch maps and the analysis-free and fatalistic "close the blinds" stuff. I think the recent activity focused on a warm rainstorm demonstrates that people will engage around non-snowy outcomes as long as the weather is remarkable, but mild and dry weather leading up to Christmas is a different story.
  16. I'm mostly a lurker here, but would respectfully suggest that if there isn't much to discuss the better option would be to just find something else to do. Wading through the doom-posting has really gotten tedious.
  17. Over an inch in those downpours that raced through earlier. Not a fun round-trip drive to Logan this evening; fortunately my son’s flight from Portugal got in ahead of the big winds.
  18. My snow character is pure liquid. Closing in on half an inch of cold rain.
  19. I'm actually running in the Reach the Beach relay (12-person teams running 200 miles; each runner does 3 legs), which starts up at Attitash Friday morning and finishes at Hampton Beach on Saturday. The tradition is for the runners to run into the ocean together afterwards. I'm starting to think at least that part might not happen, but I'm actually more worried about the possibility that media hype will prompt organizers to postpone the whole event. We've got people flying in from all over starting Wednesday.
  20. Glad to see the jog east. I was starting to worry about p-type issues.
  21. This place really absolutely insane. I love a good storm as much as anybody, but rooting for a major cane to make landfall in the northeast is next-level psychosis.
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