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Everything posted by PWMan

  1. I'd be absolutely thrilled with 3", but am feeling the under.
  2. Dreaded words up this way. Looks like another graze job. Is the current GYX snowfall map showing 4-6” for here too bullish?
  3. Looking forward to tracking the bands over the GOM.
  4. Looks like we're closing things out with about 7-8" here, which I guess isn't far off the forecast range. The fact that we spent so much of the day pinging makes it feel like more of a bust (well, that and the epic reports elsewhere).
  5. Had another downpour of sleet about half an hour ago, and that transitioned into big parachutes. Now it looks like the sun is about to poke through. Definitely has that back-edge feel to it.
  6. I know it's a cliche on here, but it really is good to at least have threats to track. And in the meantime it actually looks like winter out there.
  7. You and Dryslot have a better shot at some frozen. Not optimistic down here in the tropics of coastal Cumberland County. At least the grass is mostly covered now!
  8. Sleet seems to be winding down and the sky is brightening. I'm ready to close the book on this one and clear the decks for Friday's rain.
  9. Yeah, we got porked all around on this one. It happens.
  10. Lava is further inland (Raymond, near Sebago Lake), but I can report that at least here on the coast those bright echoes are sleet. I'm at 29F.
  11. Pouring sleet now. This storm just keeps on giving.
  12. Will see if I get in on any of that. Right now it looks like I'm probably a little too far south. Feel like I'm tracking a line of thunderstorms.
  13. If I didn't know any better I'd expect one of those blossoming blobs currently east of MA to hit me in a bit.
  14. GYX gives me maybe an inch. Hope you can cash in.
  15. Disappointed that we missed the epic stuff here last night, and won't be surprised if the next "big" one is wet here, but I'm happy as long as the ski areas continue to get replenished.
  16. Good to hear that the mountains are getting it. This one's officially a bust here; looks like we were perfectly placed between the SNE goodies and the stuff that's hitting central/northern ME today. We got maybe 3 hours of decent rates. Eyeballing 5-6"?? It's hard to tell with the wind blowing it around, but it doesn't look like there's been much additional accumulation since I went to bed at around 1:00. Just a fine misty snow swirling around now.
  17. Awesome out there. Wish it had started earlier so I could’ve seen more of it, but I’m glad I got in on some of the goods at least.
  18. Great stuff now. Nice fat dendrites, blowing and drifting. First plow just went by.
  19. Ripping here now. Will see how long this lasts.
  20. Still tiny flakes but coming down a little more steadily. Maybe I can crack a full inch soon.
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