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Everything posted by PWMan

  1. Someone else mentioned it earlier, but for a cold snowfall (low/mid 20s here) it has really struggled to accumulate on pavement. Some blue sky showing now.
  2. There were some forecasts that had 3-5 for the Portland area. We’ll be lucky to pull a half inch. The beat goes on.
  3. Slightly heavier sand with a few small flakes mixed in. Wintry look if nothing else.
  4. Hopefully we can get in on some late-blooming action here as this thing exits stage-right. Otherwise this is looking like a dust job.
  5. Intensity picking up some, but still not sticking on south-facing pavement despite 28F current temp and single digits early this morning. Feb sun doing its thing. Looks like a pretty big dry gap incoming based on radar.
  6. Actual (albeit small) flakes now instead of the dust/sand we had before. 28 and dead calm.
  7. Steady very light snow now - pixie dust
  8. Looks like a shredded, spotty mess. And it's hauling. Can't imagine getting more than an inch. Dusting is more likely.
  9. Had some sun-flurries a couple hours ago. Filtered sun now, eaves dripping. 27F
  10. Yesterday was the "sorry SE MA" storm. Maybe this one is a NNE apology. Of course, the "jack" with this isn't exactly epic - and it'll probably settle back south anyway.
  11. Their coastline is in the right place for this type of storm. Their longitude hurts when we get the crawlers or huggers. Far downeast (Machias to Lubec) is actually one of my favorite little corners of the world.
  12. That was based on a quick eyeballing of an area that had a bit of drifting. Just did a proper measurement - a hair under 3”. I’m about a half mile from Pine Point Beach. (sorry I suck at uploading pics here)
  13. Nothing crazy here rate-wise, but it’s been steady since mid-afternoon & accumulating pretty efficiently this evening. We’ve done better things Han I expected as of early afternoon. Eyeballing maybe 4-5”?? Nice little event.
  14. Been snowing for about 3 hours. Closing in on 0.5”
  15. Better flakes now, starting to stack up a bit. I’m hoping for 1-2” here.
  16. Steady light sand, 28. Everything whitened up quickly, but it won’t add up to much at this rate. Nice mood stiff for a Sunday at least.
  17. Surprised to see reports of flakes to my north. Still nada here. 32
  18. Still nothing here, and I've seen the references to whiffing again in a couple days. Seems like we're in one of those stretches where it's all about SNE. Oh well - it's just snow. Hope everyone down there enjoys it!
  19. Definitely not feeling it here. Another nuisance event at best.
  20. Didn’t expect today to start off so torchy here. 36 & overcast
  21. The AFD is a great read. Gotta do something about the shape of the ME coast...
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