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Everything posted by jpbart

  1. This when being a CoCoRaHS member reporting 0.00" of rain everyday, day after day can get truly demoralizing. Everybody knows we need rain, but when you are recording all of those zeros it really drives the point home. I remember the epic drought of 2002 when wells in the low country went dry and lakes in the upstate were at their lowest possible levels. Essentially the lakes were dry with a trickle at the bottom going through the dam. That was a depressing year. Then a year later drought was gone, it was like whiplash from bone dry to normal plus. I wonder if this year to year behavior is the new normal of a warmer world?
  2. If we get enough rain to stay out of drought conditions then I can live with it. (This good because I don't have a choice) Watching everything dry out and die is brutal.
  3. Hopefully this is a temporary hot spell and not the start of a long term death ridge event. I can live with 10 days of hellish temperatures and dry but weeks on end are demoralizing.
  4. Amen sister, 90's on the way and my water bill is going to be brutal.
  5. Well, when I started growing banana plants outside, hot and humid weather was a bit less annoying. Zone 8 climate too cool to get bananas out of them but there are ways around that. Still when it's hot at least my plants are growing well. You would be surprised how much it does help.
  6. 0.0 in all categories including fantasy storms to watch.
  7. My definition of a good winter has changed, I don’t really expect snow but cold rain is ok by me.
  8. My brother in Austin TX got 5” of snow and is looking at lows of 11 degrees with no power. First time he ever shoveled snow since moving to TX. Meanwhile I have booming thunder storms with my low being warmer than his high for tomorrow. Is it me or is the weather getting weirder every year?
  9. Lots of rolling thunder here, lighting and radar showing possible hail or tornadoes from some of these storms. No warning yet but damn thunder like this is February is quite a surprise.
  10. Well that is likely very true. I have had to adjust my thinking about winter. A cold fall is not cutting my grass in December. A cold winter is pulling the heavy coat out of the closet for 3 days in a row. Winter weather is a cold rain and a frosty windshield the next morning. Getting snow is like putting a fresh pair of jeans on and finding $20 in the pocket you didn't know you had. Doesn't happen often, you didn't get much, it will be gone before you know it, but it made your day anyway. When our crappy winters get me down, I just drink a glass of bourbon and enjoy not cutting the lawn that week.
  11. You know a 20 min snow shower that melts on contact would be a win here.
  12. Well here in the midlands of SC we had a year where it snowed on the coast and in the mountains but not here. It was like living in a winter weather comedy sketch and your neighborhood is the punch line. Anything is better than that, even no snow all around is better than that! Yeah, I am setting the bar pretty low here but that is the reality here in the middle of SC.
  13. Rolling along at 7.02” for the week. Last nights squall line dropped over an inch and felt like the word was ending with the amount lightning and thunder we had.
  14. Without a vaccine or other treatment a slow down in the summer if any will be met with a second wave in the fall. How this plays out is very uncertain and we are forced to just roll with it for now. I hope you all are safe and virus free.
  15. Well I leave near Columbia SC, cut my grass a month ago and only saw sleet once. For Columbia this winter ranks a solid B.
  16. Well we have sleet in Chapin, SC just west of Cola. Likely the best I am going to see this winter.
  17. 10 days out individual model runs do not matter much as the overall set up. According to all the posts I have seen, it is looking OK right now. Sit back, relax, drink a bourbon and just keep an eye on it. Excitement for me starts 5 days out, and confidence starts to build 3 days out, actual worry, joy, or call to action is at the less than 48 hours to go and much positivity across the board.
  18. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  19. It was 86+ today depending on where you were, hot a humid, brutal. 5:30 front rolls through, big storm, heavy rain and the temperatures drop like stones. Currently 9pm and it’s 60, breezy and already drying out. Nice.
  20. Strong storms here, confirmed tornado in Lexington SC near 378 and Rt.1 very windy near me in Chapin.
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