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Everything posted by mahk_webstah

  1. Yeah, but there’s two short waves involved. When do they get properly sampled? We’re still more than four days out.
  2. Ridge position just inside west coast could bring DC to PWM KU? Slow moving and lotta fun.
  3. You would think that comes north to at least Philly. They almost always do. Maybe a mid Atlantic special that gets to you for a few?
  4. I wanna lay down some pack as a hedge on suppression with a big block. Oh and of course to give ya'll a better cold source... of course.
  5. day 5-6 is usually when storms modelled as significant sort of disappear or get unclear. Then they get sampled (when does this one get sampled?). And then at day 4 (tomorrow morning) the direction gets clearer. This is established weenie wisdom
  6. 985 at Block Island does that? Something's not right. That should be a decent storm for CNE and NNE, not a 4-8er.
  7. No other way to play it than to be in the moment with whatever’s happening. When it was apparent we were going to have two weeks of dry weather. I just made it about doing different walks in beautiful places, knowing that the snow will come and there will be time to enjoy that. looks to me like we have snowpack up here through all of March based on these long range models.
  8. So this morning both euro and gfs bring good snows up into NNE. Let’s hope our southern friends can get in on this. If not, I would think the coastal areas down through the middle Atlantic are going to get a big one at some point in the next couple weeks. I am about 37 inches short of my seasonal average and I have very little doubt I will get there.
  9. No Changes. No. Changes.... To my eye this doesn't seem like an overly suppressive look? The 50-50 isn't too far S and E. But the winners will likely be Mid Atlantic, SNE and CNE when it comes to jackpots?
  10. Suppression is mediated by more than just the arctic oscillation. Like the position of the PNA ridge. Or if there’s an active southern stream and split flow. And the positioning of high-pressure around Greenland.
  11. could mean it favors the interior via Miller Bs that shoot out of the southern stream and are forced to redevelop?
  12. No Changes?!? Uh oh, I might owe someone an apology... But I don't believe it. Full on ahead to our new pattern! Even if it doesn't come in as even and coordinated as planned.
  13. The stress of the season is turning so many of us into different people. Or is it bring out the repressed parts of who we really are??!! Ray, care to comment?
  14. Jesus it’s a week away and you people are flopping all over the place with every run. good god it’s the start of pattern change and the models are trying to sort it out.
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