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Everything posted by mahk_webstah

  1. I've noticed that. I love a clipper. If it is snow and snow, 2-4 in a fast moving clipper can be a lot of fun
  2. Many of us have been kicked, including you. You could still be in the game though for a good band depending on trends. I’m definitely out of the game. But south of the pike it’s gonna score. Do you have a client down there who might “house” you tonight?
  3. I posted it because it implies something pretty intense that comes across a decent part of southern New England. With so many models coming out at all, feels so jumpy and unclear. But that discussion says you should get ready for a big intense fast snowstorm that can be a lot of fun during the daytime tomorrow if you are particularly south of the pike. I’d be stoked if I lived down there.
  4. By about the end of next week, I think we are in Go big or go home territory
  5. This was a good read and I think it should make our southern New Englanders who have suffered so much the last couple of years, very happy. https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/discussions/hpcdiscussions.php?disc=qpfhsd
  6. Well I know he knows what he’s doing. And I suppose somewhere up this way has a shot at a band with ratios. But it is an SNE special and we’ve been there before.
  7. Gefs encouraging but euro will give us a sense of where this is headed. Although still time to trend and tick more.
  8. Yes but the biggies generally show themselves a week out. Lets see where it stands tomorrow morning.
  9. Sometimes we do well in benchmark storms if the mid levels set up like that. I’m cautiously optimistic we can be in the northern band but it could mean that MHT is sucking exhaust
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