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Everything posted by mahk_webstah

  1. NAM shows maybe .15-.2 for up here. That could be 2-4" I'm eager to see what other meso guidance gives later today and overnight.
  2. Hoping the mesos beef up the clipper for tomorrow night. It happens sometimes. Just getting a few inches and a feel of winter for the next 2 weeks would be great...before my gelid nape warms at the end of the month. I would love an early spring, but lets winter a bit first.
  3. Seemed like a bit more here but hard to measure. Maybe .75-1”
  4. It has truly been a rough one. I’m still hopeful for another stretch of winter but you know more than me, so I hope you’re not right.
  5. I’ve never really been bought into that one up here. I’m hoping our clipper Thursday night over performs and then we can start to take a look at something bigger next week.
  6. I think they are in that same narrow intense band that goes back to Danbury, near Hartford, to Kevin and then ORH
  7. I know the folks in the other thread are focused on today, but seems like the 17th-25th has some potential.
  8. The Thursday night clipper has been in my wunderground forecast for 3-4 days and the amount is increasing a bit. Around 2.5" now I think. I'm worried this one might go south as well.
  9. From a methuen jack to an Atlantic City jack in 24 hours. Something wrong with the model last couple years. The historical data and patterns that they have in their databases must’ve lost validity. Some thing has changed and the analogs don’t do nearly as well.
  10. but you are in a perfect spot for clippers intensifying on the coast.
  11. I think you are fairly new to the board? And a great contributor. I am looking forward to the radar and water vapor loop hallucinations! Its gonna be a ride the next 20 hours or so.
  12. I wonder if this is the convection issue that WPC was mentioning a discussion earlier. Is it more extreme than usual and fookin with the models?
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