New from WPC. One to 2 inch per band but fast moving
Farther north into Upstate NY and New England, much of theprecipitation is expected to fall as snow. The intensifying WAAwill result in a band of heavy snow as the resultant 850-700mb fgendrives intense ascent into the DGZ just above. This will cause aburst of snow lifting SW to NE Thursday, first in the Poconos, thenall points northeast, including New York City and Boston. Snowfallrates within this burst could reach 1-2"/hr as reflected by the WPCprototype snowband tool and HREF probabilities, but rapidtranslation of this band northeast will somewhat limit totalaccumulations. Still, substantial impacts are likely, and WPCprobabilities are high (>70%) for more than 4" of snow in thehigher terrain from the Adirondacks into the Greens and Whites,with lesser accumulations likely in the lower elevations.