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Everything posted by mahk_webstah

  1. Happy that we’ll get some melt tonight tomorrow
  2. And based on that picture, I guess you’ll be banned too?
  3. Well, I won’t need a skin peel to keep my face pretty. Just stand outside into the wind.
  4. Here too. Geez. Was on a call with a client and looked out the window. Snow but also some snow grains and sleet mixed in with it and it is blinding.
  5. Pretty heavy snow still, with improving snow growth. 2 inches as of 15 minutes ago and at this pace, we will definitely be at 3“ at 11 if it doesn’t change over.
  6. Pretty heavy snow. Think at 2 inches but I’m gonna go measure. 30.5°.
  7. Light snow has become moderate with pretty good snow growth. Just a light coating so far. 28.4°.
  8. Euro still interested in me although it could dump me in 30 minutes
  9. seems like this trended warmer overnight.
  10. They are purists real cream real sugar
  11. I hope to God you don’t go there for your ice cream. If you don’t go to Richardson’s in Boscawen then you don’t really understand ice cream.
  12. You are definitely stage 5 on kubler-ross
  13. Every year around this time…go big or be done
  14. Let’s see if it’s still there on Saturday, Saturday or Sunday. Otherwise just a waste of time.
  15. Yes and no. When you have 2 babies and you’re housebound…
  16. These are the worst winter conditions since I think the winter of 2013. The gusting is unbelievable chunks of snow from the roof flying around. Our house is on the top of a small hill surrounded by 30 acres of hayfield. The wind is insane. Snow blow the driveway with the tractor and we have not even 20 minutes before we can’t get our jeep down the driveway. The intensity of the wind and how long it’s been blowing is Not fun.
  17. it'll probably snow alot. just to F with us.
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