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Everything posted by Interstate

  1. NAM is going to make a couple more people happy. At least they will see some snow.
  2. Really... My point and click is for 35. I currently sit at 30.9
  3. I am glad we are sticking to these guidelines in the long range and storm threads.
  4. Need to make sure they get their budget next year.
  5. Didn't that just happen with the last storm... I think we used it up.
  6. https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=ecmwf_full&p=sn10_acc&rh=2020011212&fh=240&r=conus&dpdt=&mc=
  7. GFS 6z is perfect for everyone. If only it would come true.
  8. I also believe we had our coldest low high temp that year some time in Jan.
  9. You are correct. I lived in southern Carroll county and it was a sleet fest storm after storm.
  10. I mean I don’t know what you are looking for. I do not know of anyone who thought that downtown Washington or Baltimore was going to receive any accumlations.
  11. How so? Weenies looks at the snowfall clown maps like that is what is going to be on the ground. That just says what is going to fall based on a 10:1 ratio, not what is actually on the ground.
  12. 13 miles north of the city is all snow... dusting on the grass 33.4/31.1
  13. Lost 3.2 degrees in the last 45 minutes... Light Snow... 36.7/30.8
  14. Had to take a break from reading in the storm thread... it is getting rough in there.
  15. The Blizzard of 16... that came in as a wall of snow too 40.3/26.3
  16. I think this map looks good... Everyone looks at the snow maps and think that is what is going to be on the ground.
  17. All snowstorms make me uneasy until they are finished.
  18. Should we be looking at the Globals or the Mesos at this point?
  19. Is that the one near the light rail where you pour your own beverage?
  20. I have this one and it does the job.
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