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Everything posted by Interstate

  1. I see this has bring the MLK storm as a cutter... that is just my opinion though
  2. Oh I dont want it to happen... that would be all rain for me... but that is what I am seeing
  3. I think we might like this run a little better looking at the H5 panels
  4. I was only 3 inches away from getting the grass covered.
  5. I stand corrected. Made it to warning criteria thinking I would get less than an inch. Storm total 5 inches with a temp of 25.0 degrees.
  6. A few flakes flying here now in 21057 29.5/26.7
  7. I am going to call BS. At least for me.
  8. My point and click says 3-5... there will be no way I get that... I will be the F Hole.
  9. In this day and age... schools close for a flurry.
  10. The Euro peed in my Cheerios, but it is still more than I got on Monday.
  11. Well at least now with the model runs we know our fate within the first 10 minutes of the run.
  12. Yeah me too... but remember us west and north of Baltimore missed out on Monday... so there is that.
  13. The CMC is going to nice https://collaboration.cmc.ec.gc.ca/cmc/cmdn/pcpn_type/pcpn_type_gem_reg.html
  14. Maybe the upgraded GFS is better at that
  15. Where the NAM has the finger... the GFS says FU NAM
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