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Everything posted by Interstate

  1. A lot of things change over the years... but a lot stay the same
  2. Hey where did you find my review... I thought I deleted it
  3. The world would be a better place if we all had his attitude.
  4. There will be one more storm to miss me to the north... Then the big one comes... and I jackpot with over 2'... This is the way.
  5. I love how you do not have one pessimistic bone in your body. Every time I see your posts it brightens my day.
  6. On a side note... At least Randy didn't make this thread.
  7. Yeah it was getting painful... I am glad I waved the White Flag after the 6z.
  8. Because we are the Mid Atlantic... It is not supposed to snow here... I have been missed by the West and the South... Why not the East this time?
  9. I am surprised school systems have not closed Friday or already have plans for early dismissal. LOL
  10. I would be happy with 6 inches... That would top my entire year so far.
  11. We just need it to go negative about 6 hours earlier. That would help a lot
  12. Well I have been missed to the south and to the west this year with big storms. It is only fitting that I will he missed to the east with this one.
  13. On a side note... the CMC is out 24 hours on the snow map
  14. Well they finally picked up the CMC off the floor... The snow maps are slowly coming in on TT.
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