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Everything posted by Interstate

  1. Baltimore City gets 0.4 inches this run which is more than I get. lol.
  2. Unlike the first storm. This was pure powder and wind whipped. I lived in White Marsh at the time. We got nailed by both storms.
  3. 94 was a sleet fest... They would forecast a snowstorm and every time we ended up with a glacier.
  4. Baby steps... remember baby steps at this timeframe... if we were bullseyed... we would get a cutter.
  5. I dont know why everyone seems surprised that run over run of the models change dramatically. I mean all it takes is a little change early that amplifies down the road on the run.
  6. Chargers reminds me of our digit snow. Just like that it disappears.
  7. I almost took the money line at halftime. +2200
  8. Might be the worst game by a qb in nfl history lol Good thing you can’t have a negative QB rating. His is at 0.0 right now.
  9. He is completing 50% of his passes. 4/16 with 4 INTs
  10. When are we going to start the argument about posters outside the forum.
  11. How did we get 10 pages in this thread that was created yesterday in this junky environment?
  12. Wow... with just one week of storms https://www.yahoo.com/news/california-storms-erase-extreme-drought-from-nearly-all-of-state-184832981.html
  13. Low of 29.1 here in 21057 with frost.
  14. I heard the late 70s and early 80s were bad.
  15. I guess I wiped that from my memory as I was shafted. But I stand corrected for BWI.
  16. I must be missing something. When did Baltimore get 14 inches in the past year?
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