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Everything posted by Interstate

  1. Department of Highways just south of you reported 4.1...lol Bentley Springs 6 S 4.1 800 AM 2/12 Dept of Highways
  2. finally broke freezing 32.2/31.2
  3. Whatever happened to Baltimore County Schools using the Hereford zone?
  4. 30.6/29.6 Temps have been steadily increasing throughout the morning.
  5. No shoveling here with rain and 50s tomorrow
  6. No refreeze tonight. Temps are not supposed to get below 32.
  7. As of now I have 3.5 inches... Which in my eyes is an overperformer. I do not think I will get much from snow just to my west.
  8. Just got to 2 inches. Been snowing steadily. Just can’t get out of the pixie dust.
  9. You can see a nice band showing up in Central Carroll County now moving toward Baltimore county. @mappyshould be under it.
  10. Find the missing dog. Lol. She already made her snow angel. She loves the snow
  11. A lot of that has to do with we were below freezing for most of the day. My high was 33.4 Now I am at 27/26.8
  12. 1.5 inches at 7:27PM here in 21057. Decent rates... just small flakes.
  13. Baltimore County School closed.
  14. Do you have an insurance policy on your beer frig?
  15. 27.1/27 light snow. The ground is whiting and I will take what I can get here in 21057.
  16. 29.1/26.0 with light snow falling here in 21057
  17. You are losing an hour of the QPF from the 18z... each run should show less and less
  18. I just got back and read the last five pages... and here are my thoughts At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  19. So now pine trees are worried about the pending snow storm?
  20. I still think every northern county school system in Maryland made a horrible call to close early, and maybe every county DC north.
  21. Didn't they cash in huge in Dec of 2009?
  22. I am going with 1.8967586734 inches here in 21057 28.4/20.2
  23. Yeah but the Apps kills west to east snowfall in this area.
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