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Everything posted by Interstate

  1. Who was it that was asking for a Special Weather Statement on Tuesday... well here you go Special Weather Statement
  2. The last couple of storms... The Baltimore area was supposed to be jackpotted... It never happened. Maybe it can be reverse psychology this time too and we actually get jackpotted.
  3. I am not being negative like the last threat. I think this will be good for 1-3 inches east of the BR with maybe some 5 inches.
  4. Why so hostile? I am just pointing it out. Expecting it to really juice up will be hard with the orientation of the precipitation field.
  5. This proves my point... as the QPF move from west to east... the snowfall becomes less. It goes from 4-6 to 1-2/2-4
  6. But like I said yesterday... you can see how the mountains kills the organized QPF.
  7. The RGEM hates Baltimore City. Ever since I cussed it out when it showed us getting 40+ inches that one run, it has hated Baltimore County.
  8. The mountains tear apart QPF field. That is why most of are good storms come from the south.
  9. I like this free site better for some features. It is faster too. https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=nam&p=ref1km_ptype&rh=2024021500&fh=27&r=us_ma&dpdt=&mc=
  10. Pivotal Weather does the ICON pretty well https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=icon&p=prateptype_cat_icon-imp&rh=2024021412&fh=6&r=us_ma&dpdt=&mc=
  11. We will get a foot from this. The ICON is always stingy with the snow and always too low.
  12. Yeah. I have been stuck in no man land for all three storms.
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