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Everything posted by Interstate

  1. I understand the surge is going to be bad. But isn’t the speed a double edge sword. I mean it will not be prolonged winds and the winds should switch fairly quickly
  2. Tampa Bay just couldn’t help us out
  3. The hurricane will pull it west and I believe we will have a high pushing down from the northeast
  4. Feeling pretty steamy out there. I do not think my temp has moved in 3 days.
  5. I really wouldn't say the rain in GA and KY, or most of the SE are part of the hurricane directly...
  6. Still a good bit of dry air on the west side though.
  7. The train station is open here in 21057. Over an inch already
  8. Why is there a Tropical Storm warning off the SC coast on the NWS map?
  9. I love how it snakes between Cuba and Mexico without any land interaction.
  10. But that is really any team in the 4th quarter with a lead. That is why the NFL is registered at an entertainment company and not a sports company.
  11. Great win last night. Everything is coming together. The Orioles injured players are slowly coming back and will be ready for the playoffs. I just hope GRod is ready.
  12. Guess who give up the 50th HR... our good friend Mike Baumann... I am so glad he is gone. The Marlins is this 5th this year.
  13. Lol. That was way too in-depth. I was just going off records. Lol
  14. They would have to sweep to clinch. There magic number is 5 games... but if they do win 2 of 3... it is a foregone conclusion that they will clinch.
  15. Also... it looks like if that fan didn't interfere with the ball (which he had all rights to since it was over the wall) it might have been caught. A win tonight will pretty much wrap up a playoff spot.
  16. Just need to get some of the injured players back just in time for the playoffs
  17. No one wants to talk about the biggest home run ever. In Santander, we trust.
  18. I don’t understand the hate for the GFS. Wasn’t the CMC and Euro showing 2+ inches for the DC/Balt area. I thought the GFS did good with the QPF shield.
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