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Everything posted by Interstate

  1. 32.0/31.8. Now I just need the snow to come back
  2. In one of these heavier bands with nice snow. However pushing north and will be dry slotted it looks here in central East Baltimore county.
  3. At least the Rams/Eagles should be fun to watch.
  4. I said this from the beginning. Models always brings in the cold air faster than how it actually happens.
  5. Thanks for ruining it everyone. I dvr’ed the game !!!
  6. We would still have practice. We are like the post office
  7. My son’s baseball practice in Glen Rock PA should be fun. 11-3
  8. I can tell you right now the ground is still frozen solid.
  9. It is sunny here but losing heat. Down to 37.8/35.1. The dewpoint has not budged.
  10. I don’t even expect more than an inch here in 21057. I am even under the WSW. These types of events never work out around here waiting for the cold.
  11. I was just going to post this. Better for the northern counties.
  12. Is this just for reporting stations or can you do it for any location?
  13. Yep as it should be. That is the way the cold air will be coming in. it is all about how fast the cold air gets here.
  14. I will be happy to have snow on the ground for 2+ straight weeks. When was the last time that happened?
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