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Everything posted by mississaugasnow

  1. Thanks! Do you have some dates by chance. I enjoy looking to see what could have happened. Most are just bad luck. Buffalo and Detroit get 6.5” Toronto 4.9” To the general public that’s not that big of a difference but to us it is haha
  2. If it can get to 6” or more it hasn’t happened in 20+ years this late in the season currently looking at about 3-6” on most models 4” or more starts to become a once every 5 years or so after March 15th So this storm if it can deliver is pretty rare for GTA Certainly El Niño style end of winter
  3. @Snowstormsthis has potential to be biggest storm after March 15th in a generation
  4. A top 10 least snow is pretty bad lol. I think we see about 10cm or 4” Hamilton is still most likely a top 5 worst
  5. Southern Ontario is wrapped up in the Great Lakes. The only landmass like it (Northern MI is pretty similar as well) Its water all the way from northern Lake Huron- River in Detroit/Windsor-Lake Erie-Niagara river-Lake Ontario-St.Lawerence. It's impressive when you think about it that way.
  6. Looks to be about 2 weeks ahead of schedule here but with the upcoming colder pattern it will probably end up being just slightly ahead compared to normal once spring is finished.
  7. For DC cherry blossoms. “Historical bloom data shows the average peak has moved up by about five days, from April 4 to March 31. Last year, peak bloom was March 23. It was recorded on March 21 in 2022. The earliest peak bloom on record occurred on March 15, 1990”
  8. YYZ goes back to 1937 I believe It’s evident something has changed in this region. I think it’s a combination of bad luck, CC, other factors such as urban heat island as well
  9. Weather networks spring forecast expects an active March but drying out April/May. Above normal temps. Toronto is at 19.1" on the season and should see 0.5-1" tonight. Hamilton is only around 13-14" on the season
  10. You didnt get that last year during the christmas blizzard? Southern Ontario went from 40F and rain to -5F to 5F in 12 hours
  11. The next few weeks look pretty toasty. Currently 2nd least snowiest season at YYZ. Need 2" to get into 3rd
  12. The older I get the less I actually care about snow lol. I'll gladly take a massive heat wave with 95-105 for days on end followed by severe storms. Toronto also doesnt really get big dogs so I don't grade my winters based on if we saw a 24" storm. Big storms that get hype here are generally 8-12" so thats considered a big dog to me. The 16-24" are historical storms so in a completely different league and not one I expect to see often.
  13. Yep, I agree that the agricultural impacts awful. Spring is up to SE Virginia and nearing the KY/TN line. The next two weeks should see it make some big gains north
  14. March Madness basketball and the first 60s (where I live) go hand in hand. Hearing the CBS jingle and seeing sun and 60F is amazing. Hopefully it's a much hotter summer here compared to last year.
  15. haha thats because you'd enjoy an April snowstorm. I find March 2012 interesting from a weather standpoint. Overall though I enjoy warm springs and hot summers. Im not a big fan of 30s in early May with wet snow the same way most here dont like 50s in January and sun.
  16. It would be interesting to see a late March snowstorm. A few aspects of this winter can be pretty much confirmed now. The lack of ice on the Great Lakes is guaranteed to be well below average and maybe even record breaking. A cold snap in mid-late march would need to be historic in duration and temperature departures for it to budge and even then im unsure. Snow is the next one but still too early to confirm that for GTA-Rochester-Syracuse-Boston.
  17. It's interesting that your futility records are so low. Toronto, Rochester, Syracuse are still well within futility records.
  18. Ya, it wont change my grade by much. This winter will be a F
  19. Yep, Im a big fan of snow on ground. 36 days with at least a trace of snow on the ground. The highlight was 15 in a row in mid January We didnt see as much melting as you guys yesterday. Grass is still covered here and a few squalls overnight helped. So Should be able to make it to Tuesday with snow on the ground
  20. wow you guys just wont let Toronto catch up haha. You guys are somehow getting everything to go your way in a bad winter lol
  21. We should probably pass 2009-2010 20" lol The 24" starts to get interesting as does 26"
  22. 2023-2024 winter leaves the least snowy winter of 2011-2012. Now at 19" on the year with todays 3" Hamilton and my backyard are now at 12" on the year.
  23. Reason I say that is because it seems like winter ends right at march 15th but that's not correct. Lots of 2-5" storms after March 15th
  24. Yep, first half of March is still very much big winter storm potential. Seems at least for Toronto it seems to drop off very fast after mid March. I wonder if it makes sense to lower my threshold to 4". I wonder if 6" is too high for Mid March onwards
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