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Everything posted by mississaugasnow

  1. I havent heard anything about the $950 either per family for 15 weeks. EI easier to get ive heard and that makes sense since Canada just had 500K file for unemployment. In a weird way the US is more to the left of us politically as no politician in power here has floated the idea of just giving Canadians money. To limit the spread of false information which is running rampant these days. Here is a link to the official Canadian government response as of today. This is subject to change* https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2020/03/canadas-covid-19-economic-response-plan-support-for-canadians-and-businesses.html
  2. Im cautiously optimistic Canada will escape this. Most of our cases are imported and with the light lockdown in place I find it hard to believe Ontario will follow NYS. Though I heard on a local tv news program that 500K Ontarians will be arriving back in Ontario in the next few days from the US/World. All it takes is a few clusters and Ontario loses control as well. Hope everyone stays safe.
  3. yikes, I hope everything works out and he sees a legit doctor and gets the treatment he needs.
  4. haha ya, ready to turn the page and get some 50s and sun.
  5. I can tell ive switched to spring mode now. 2 weeks ago in the Hamilton region I would be looking at that map hoping it trends a bit further south to get us fully in the 6-8" range. Now I want it to trend north so im in the sloppy 1-3" range or nothing at all. It took 3 days to fully melt all the snow aside from parking lot piles, dont want another 8" which will waste another 3-4 days of warmer weather just to melt.
  6. Hows the vegetation growing down there? Any real noticeable signs of spring like leaf out or blooming plants? lol tired of winter up here in the great lakes and looking forward to warmth and spring Thanks
  7. Looking at the next two weeks and I wonder how far north the snowpack disappears. Buffalo took out the ice booms around the city, 2nd earliest removal on record.
  8. Sorry that Buffalo is getting screwed this winter. Crazy the difference 100 miles makes. Toronto is about to have its snowiest winter in 13 years. It hasnt stayed long on the ground but almost every week I feel like this winter weve been dealing with 2-5" events.
  9. Im more concerned for whiteouts from quick hitting squalls. The extra 1-2cm will be a nice stat padder but its more dangerous how that 1-2cm falls in 10-15 minutes as the squall passes thru.
  10. Times like this is why Im happy GTA isnt in the snow belts and we get significantly less snow than you guys. You guys are pissed and rightfully so but some areas are going to get clobbered I think. I couldnt imagine how hard it would be to forecast snowsqualls for the GTA. Theres 8 million people between Hamilton-Oshawa at a distance of about 100 miles. Trying to tell 2 million people your under blizzard warnings, 2 million winter storm amounts, 2 million people nusiance snow and 2 million see nothing. The city and snow lovers on this forum would be livid haha.
  11. Saw on Twitter that pavement temperatures are about 34F right now in the GTA.
  12. got about an inch of snow so far and now in a lull. The next 3 days look to be interesting. Buffalo NWS has now issued blizzard warnings for the southern part of their metro.
  13. haha your not alone. At least you live in Wisconsin so not a lot of interaction with Canada. Meeting people at Bills game and they ask how we handle the cold and snow and that they could never live in Canada because of that. The GTA is only 45 minutes across the border and Buffalo is right on the border so its not like theres a game of thrones type wall and were wildlings (way off topic now haha)
  14. I fully lied earlier. I said I didnt want a 2-4" sloppy mess but I mean if its coming I might as well get a bit excited. The Nam and GFS were hilarious to look at, spitting out 30-50cm GTA-Hamilton wide. Heading up to Haliburton this weekend so hoping the squalls arent that bad along the 400. Though all indications are they could be.
  15. Somehow Toronto-Hamilton has the snow magnet turned on and its the worst year to have the snow magnet haha. Looks like another 2-4" sloppy wet snow that will slow traffic a bit and pad the stats.
  16. After a walk outside in the sun and low 40s Im content with this one being rain for the GTA. I'm ready to move onto spring. Missing out on snowstorms in late February and March isnt as bad as November-Early February.
  17. This season has been great on the snowfall aspect for us here in the GTA but I can tell im over winter when I dont really want another 1-3" or 2-4" either drop a widespread 8-12" or rain. Im itching for spring 50s and sun which in this area starts rearing its head in the next few weeks. I get the same feeling in late August where im tired of the 80s and want the first cool 60-70s and the 40s at night which almost always happens first couple weeks of September
  18. what went from a nice 3-5" storm down to 2-4" and now the GTA will be lucky if we get 1". Toronto is almost at average snowfall for a full season (4" away) and its only February 12th. No concern about missing that. One more mediocre 3-5" storm and then lets have Morch 2012 come back for March this year haha.
  19. Living just south of Hamilton will allow me a greater chance to sneak in a slightly better snowfall. We still have snow on the 95% of the ground so even 5cm to refresh the snow pack before -20C temperatures comes helps. How much of the ground is covered in Toronto?
  20. This has been a bad winter "feeling" wise but I bet when everything is calculated at the end of April it ends up being a slightly warmer winter with average to slightly above average snowfall. People looking at records 50+ years from now will just see an average winter for 2019-2020 Toronto is looking at 3-6" and after the 2.5" on Sunday that will mean already 5-8" of snow has fallen by February 7th
  21. YYZ is actually above normal for snow this winter still. Happens every winter but once I start seeing February and March roll around on the calendar I start getting excited about those first 50s and sun type days. My favorite part of winter isnt even really in winter. Its October-December when the first frosts and snowstorms herald a full change of seasons. I just finished re-reading about the 2012 Morch and subsequent Summer heatwave and im ready for spring and summer. Bring on the 90s and 100s haha
  22. I return from Asia/Europe end of January so hopefully my return brings some serious winter weather. I do feel like recent years has seen winter cruise later into spring than I remember. Last year I was at a wedding in early April just outside Toronto and it was the worst driving conditions of the winter. It sucks because it doesnt fit what "I want" haha. By mid March im looking forward to the first 60s/70s and sun. 31F and a sloppy 4-6" snowstorm kind of sucks by late March
  23. I arrived back from Nicaragua yesterday in the height of the snow/ice pellets. The board had a lot of cancellations and delays, I was thankful we arrived pretty much on time. Im just catching up on everything and looking at models to see how the next few weeks leading up to christmas will be. Heading to NYC to visit a few friends next weekend so I wouldnt mind if there was no snowstorms on those dates haha. I hope everything is well with you as well.
  24. What I find impressive is how it all wraps together to make this is a very anomalous event. Toronto is most likely going to go 8 days, maybe 9 days with over 1cm on the ground reported at the airport in a row. Which is crazy for November.
  25. whats your thoughts on whats left for mississauga-Hamilton-Niagara?
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