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Everything posted by mississaugasnow

  1. I loved the humidity when I was in Thailand haha. I was in Phoenix last summer and didnt really enjoy the heat much. But I also love that feeling of the tropics. Off topic but I was able to sneak in a quick Asia trip in January before covid. Landed in Bangkok January 5th and hung around Thailand for a few weeks before going to Dubai and finally Paris/London. Looking back on 2020 in a few decades it will be weird to say the wife and I did a world tour right when the world pandemic was beginning. Back to Toronto and heat, I guess its because of how hot Southern Ontario is compared to almost every other city in Canada. Working in Timmins in mid August and waking up to Temperatures around 0C. Calgary seeing frost and occasional snowstorms in May and September. St.Johns NL barely has a legit summer. Halifax has an okay summer but the average high in July is 23C or 74F. So Toronto seems balmy compared to most of this country.
  2. haha I know. Though every summer Toronto generally strings together a few days in the row of 32-34C and humidex values around 40C and above with lows around 23C Our criteria for hot here when hearing the weather reports and newscasts is 30C. The 30 year average for 30C or above in Toronto and most of southern Ontario is around 20-24 days a summer which is pretty respectable. Especially within Canada. Only the interior of BC averages more. Its all relative and depends what you like. I love those big humid heatwaves where its 25C when you walk out the door at 7am and your drenched in sweat haha.
  3. Thanks for clarifying. Here in Ontario and I would imagine most states there is a disconnect between smaller cities and rural vs bigger cities. The low population of South Carolina might explain some characteristics as Northern Ontario cities are also asking for Ontario to reopen and I imagine they're calling us in the Southern part sissies. Its all relative though because I travel all over Ontario for work and sometimes the Northern Ontario clients come down to Toronto and sweat buckets and talk about how nerve whacking the 18 lane wide 401 is by the airport. They also ask how does anyone get used to driving like that haha. For me thats where I can call them sissies haha
  4. Ive been looking at traffic jams in North America since mid march and I havent seen a change in South Carolinas cities? Though to be fair, I never really looked at Charleston or Columbias traffic before, but at 8:30am today there is zero traffic and it shows all green on the interstates? Is there normally traffic jams in those cities? Atlanta, Houston, Dallas all show relatively easy commutes still even though they are open. The reason im interested is I live in Hamilton and commute to Toronto now that my job is back (4 weeks deemed non-essential construction) and my commute should take 65-90 minutes because its bumper to bumper but right now im doing it in 40 minutes at 7:30am with it feeling like a sunday evening drive.
  5. haha sadly I enjoy extreme events. A few weeks in the 70s after this cold spell, but then I want 90-100F+ blowtorches
  6. I believe that happened in 2018 in the eastern great lakes. We had a very late season ice/winter storm in mid April, chilly beginning of May and by Mid May had highs around 80-86F. It was weird to be working outside baking in the sun while thinking only a few weeks ago I was freezing and walking thru snow.
  7. I think were going to see a May snow thread lol. Some of me wants something historic only because if its going to be so cold lets see a 1-3" widespread snow with it where its something talked about for years.
  8. I dont know, since its may this massive cold spell doesn't seem as frightening. Average high is already going to be around 65F so even taking 10-15F off looking at days in the low 50F. Im not terribly upset by sunny cool days. In the GTA we still dont really plant gardens for another 2-3 weeks, especially if your north of the city. The May long weekend is our unofficial kick off to summer where its expected to have no more frost/freeze.
  9. After a 9 day battle with Corona (test results took days to get back) my grandmother passed away this morning in her long term care home with no one able to visit her in her last days. I know we can debate whether lockdowns are worth it or and whether the elderly would have died in a few years or months regardless of the virus, but at the end of the day shes not here anymore because of this virus.
  10. 27F tonight with light snow here just south of Toronto. Tomorrow is an impressive 34F with wet snow mixed with freezing drizzle Average high should be 56F
  11. Ontario is about to lay out its reopening plan. Some rumors have it beginning as early as this weekend or early next week.
  12. Lol, what? Sorry I cant let this go haha The average price of a detached home sold in Toronto last month was $1.04 million, versus $617,658 for condominiums. The average price of a home in Toronto and its suburbs rose 7.1 per cent from a year earlier to $843,637 in November https://business.financialpost.com/real-estate/toronto-housing-prices-extend-gains-amid-tightening-supply Our Cottage Country In Muskoka, we are seeing people in their 50s and 60s cashing out with significant amounts of money, as well as those who are coming into money and want to get out of the rat race,” said Bob Clarke, sales representative, Royal LePage Lakes of Muskoka, in the release. “A 300-foot lot on southern Lake Joe once would be about $1.6 million. Now, if I found one west-facing it would likely be $3.0 million. That puts pressure on 100- and 200-foot lots.” https://www.mymuskokanow.com/90449/cottage-prices-on-the-rise-in-2019-despite-flooding/ I normally wouldnt do this but when I travel the US (especially southern, but also Buffalo) I get asked if Canada is similar to the Soviet Union. I wish I was kidding but your analysis paints a bleak depressing white apartments, limited economic activity and food banks when that isnt true. Also, I must say im jealous that you get to live in South Carolina. Vacationed in Hilton Head a few years ago and enjoyed every minute of it, I hope you have a good weekend and enjoy the nice weather while were getting a late season wet snow.
  13. Yikes, not trying to get very political here but how come immigration is such a hot issue down there but whenever someone praises Canada they get told to move here? How easy do you guys think it is to move here? Sorry, just as a Canadian its tiring to hear people say "Just move to Canada if you like it so much"
  14. The in-laws live in Port Maitland in Haldimand County and today I told them they should start preparing a plan. They live about 20 feet away from the lake and have a 10 foot breakwall protecting their backyard. They saw substantial damage with the fall storm. Ill be down there on Monday to record what happens during the height of the storm.
  15. Thanks, appreciate the response. Im going to try to get videos this time around as the fall storm peaked after dark.
  16. Whats your thoughts on Lake Erie waves and seiche. The inlaws live in the port maitland area of Lake Erie in Haldimand County and got slammed by the fall storm. Think the waves and seiche will be similar? 3 weeks ago I bought a Kestrel weather meter so im excited to try it out in a storm and not just in my suburban backyard haha.
  17. Im following this closely. The long duration could bring substantial flooding to the shorelines and waves could be massive. The fall storm comes to mind and that one devastated the shorelines and caused millions of damage on the Canadian side alone. Im going to wait another 24 hours before I sound the alarm for my inlaws who live only 20 feet from the shore. The breakwall held up okay in the Fall storm but suffered some damage which has yet to be fixed. Ill be heading down on monday regardless to check this out.
  18. The winds for Lake Erie look particularly interesting.
  19. Normally I want spring weather but with not much happening outside right now, I want to see some historic mid april cold and snow/ice
  20. There was a historic ice storm in Southern Ontario and WNY in mid April 2018 as well.
  21. That update today ended my construction work. Have to say im relieved as watching those numbers rise and no change to the list was a bit scary. Currently were planning for a 2 week shutdown but expecting it to last all of April.
  22. Bring it on. I would love to see a historic mid april snowstorm. Also Ontario just shut down large parts of construction so im back to model watching.
  23. It sucks, but I want to thank everyone that works in legit essential services. Doctors, nurses, to grocery store employees- gas stations attendants. I might have to deal with a couple individuals on sites but those people are the ones allowing us to have some sense of society during this.
  24. Big jump today in Ontario with 351 new cases. I work in construction and the rumor mill is ablaze right now with when/if we will be shut down. Some companies have suspended operations while others havent, creating scheduling nightmares. The essential services list actually muddied the waters instead of making it clearer. Edit* Ill chime in on Rogue lol, hes clearly reading some website (or twitter) that is stating these as facts and he isnt looking for secondary sources to support any of these claims.
  25. The US is skipping that and giving it to every citizen. The Bill is stuck in the Senate but most indications are most Americans are going to get 1 Thousand. Depending how long it goes for they are almost experimenting on a large scale with Universal Basic Income. Lots of people that haven't lost their jobs have indicated they will donate the money but will be interesting to see. I believe this 1 thousand will be different from EI and other indirect programs they are doing as well. I might be wrong on that though.
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