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Everything posted by mississaugasnow

  1. That meme is almost one of the worst out there. We're really going to compare traveling to Europe to fight Nazis that have conquered most of Europe and North Africa to being nervous of Covid? Being lock downed for most of us is challenging but lets not compare going to War to liberate Europe as the same thing as risking my health to go to a shitty mid level manager job in a random 3 story suburban office.
  2. While I agree that currently this isn't the Spanish flu and unlikely to reach that magnitude. What I am positive about is when not if another Spanish flu scenario happens there will still be large parts of the population that will say "meh, I need that gym pump so ill roll the dice" or the guy saying masks won't save us ect..
  3. Looking forward to the first real "snow" chance later this week into weekend. won't accumulate much down here but I can start to see some scenarios where 1-3" falls in the higher terrain of southern Ontario
  4. Having this debate with a few friends. The Ontario government has restricted in the big cities things like restaurants, gyms, museums, weddings etc.. A lot of the industry has taken to social media saying its not their fault its schools, construction, ect.. If Ontario kept them open but said okay the fine for not adhering to the rules will now be a 500K fine and closure for 1 month. Do you think they would be happy since apparently they are all following the rules, or do you think they would balk at it and say no way. Generally curious in what peoples opinions are. I personally think the businesses would freak out and balk but that's just me, some friends said the businesses would gladly take that deal. I also want to point out that were not communists up here that drive box cars and listen to whatever the government says haha. Ontario citizens are starting to debate and "break" the covid laws like what's happening in the US. (not the crazy right wing stuff, that wouldn't fly here haha) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/hamilton-police-ancaster-parking-lot-car-show-1.5731583
  5. This would be about 15 days ahead of last years winter storm in the GTA. Every day after mid October gets more and more realistic to see snow in the sub forum. The last two Octobers ive seen light accumulations in the northern suburbs of Toronto
  6. The concerning trend is the spillover into rural southern Ontario. Ford looked a bit shaky and emotional today which doesn't make me feel great lol. I hope im wrong but I almost feel like the train is moving too fast to stop now and he knows it.
  7. CBC has learned that the new daily cases for Ontario will be between 900-1000K in the last 24 hours. The province has scheduled an emergency meeting for 11:30am to see what can be done Yesterday was the most ever recorded at 797
  8. As a Canadian it does get a bit tiring hearing conservatives say "move to Canada" and liberals say "im moving to Canada" I get that its mostly used as a talking point but as Stebo pointed out we actually control our border and immigration and no just showing up to the Canadian border saying you want to live here doesn't work. A guy I work with is from Louisiana and he married a Canadian and still had boatloads of paper work to do and money spent to accomplish it. Also Ottawa doesn't run the entire country. British Columbia and Alberta are about as politically similar as Alabama and California. We literally have 1 province Quebec who had a referendum to leave Canada in the mid 1990s. If Ottawa ruled with an iron first as the guy from SC makes it sound like, I doubt Quebec would be given that choice. End Rant haha
  9. I like that. The averages are still in the 50s for most of the region during this time period so an extended period of 60s and hopefully sunny weather would be nice. I enjoy winter but lets get a few weeks of sun and 60s/30s and then end of October switch to 30s and wet snow and lake effect/snow chances.
  10. I think sometimes that we believe too much in individuals using common sense. I live in the GTA which is experiencing a situation going out of control, but currently working in rural Ontario. This past week I was at dinner and this guy with his elderly father and family started saying he's not wearing a mask and had a temper tantrum because they live in a non hot spot so why follow city rules. That type of attitude is why we won't be able to get a handle on this. Right beside his temper tantrum was a table of 6 guys from Toronto (hot spot) so who cares that he's in a non hot spot.
  11. Thats my favourite type of winter. Early season snow and cold and then spring starts fast mid march
  12. The economic reasons for not doing a shutdown are interesting and understandable. However, staying open doesn't mean businesses won't struggle which I think gets lost in the messaging. The seasonal company I work at just had to shut down an entire division for 5 days because of covid. We were operating with covid rules in place but now we've cracked open the emergency plans. This will slow down productivity even more and obviously increases costs but if we didn't have any measures in place the entire company could have been at risk of being shut down for days instead of just one division. All summer Ontario and most of Canada looked across the border with confusion. Now the rest of Canada is also looking at Ontario with confusion as we've shown no appetite to slow down the virus. Quebec was with us for the most part, but as someone mentioned earlier they've peeled away and have done a limited lock down now of the two biggest cities in the province, leaving Ontario to continue down this road alone.
  13. First rain delay for the Jays (while playing at home) in nearly 20 years haha
  14. Just realized how far north in Minnesota you are. In 2016 and 2017 I was up in Fort Frances and spent lots of time in International Falls. You guys have a stronger Canadian accent then us in Toronto haha. Very friendly people and I couldnt believe the amount of dual citizens on both sides of the border. The towns almost seemed like one big town (radio did news for both towns and weather in F and C, parties/bars were attended by both sides) Your weather is certainly one of the harshest outside the mountain ranges in the US.
  15. Ontario is going ahead with full in class for grades 1-8 and high school is 50% of the week in class. We have a population of 14.5M and have now had 6 consecutive days below 100 new cases in the entire province. The entire province has seemed to accept the masks and I just came out of the beer store and people had no problem with waiting 10 minutes outside because it was 2 people in the store at a time. I think it all came down to leadership to set the example and our conservative premier (governor equivalent) stressed since early march the severity of this and only had a few hiccups along the way.
  16. haha sorry not the geographical central part of ontario. Barrie-North Bay-Algonquin is central ontario. Timmins though where I worked last August and saw multiple nights with frost and temperatures in the 30s is actually in the arctic watershed haha
  17. Was up in central Ontario this weekend and noticed a few as well. Not unusual for August but a nice sign to see. Multiple nights coming up in that area of Ontario with lows in the 40s.
  18. Ive actually wondered this myself haha. Yesterday I noticed signs saying you have to pre pay outside for gas if you dont have a mask. 10 people have been ticketed in Brampton already for not wearing the masks. Just like the tickets for the parks earlier in the year, my guess is enough tickets get handed out and people will listen.
  19. lol what? Is this a serious post or sarcasm, I work construction for a living and wait until I tell you about mask wearing when mixing cement/sanding. I guess you might be one of the old vets I stumble upon who laugh at people working in concrete dust with masks on. To them wearing a mask when working in construction isnt proven to help and no one will convince them otherwise. Aside from the fit tests the company makes them get but then right away they take the mask off
  20. Ontario is about to enter stage 3 outside the GTA and Windsor. Indoor restaurants and bars and almost all business can reopen with heavy regulations. This stage is where California, Texas, Florida all fell apart. Ontario is in for a nervous 3-4 weeks to see what happens. Though mask use is mandatory in most of the population centers and not wearing one gets you shunned. One guy tried to walk into the gas station today and they told him to leave and the rest of us with masks were openly making eye contact with him when he came in. Unlikely he does that again as the embarrassment level must have been extreme haha
  21. Ontario has 14.5M people and were now down under 200 a day with 30K a day testing and death rate dropping as well. Looking at States with similar population and the numbers are massive. The historical partnership and historical linkages of how our two countries grew is interesting and were seeing it play it out in trust of government and perceived freedoms. Sault St Marie Ontario and surrounding towns- The government has asked us to shut down and slow the spread so lets close and do our part. The government has asked us to wear masks and we should listen. I was in a Tim Hortons in Northern Ontario recently and they werent messing around with the 5 people in a store at a time. They asked us to wait outside and we did, when we were in and more people came in they asked again and without fighting it they waited outside. Sault St Marie Michigan and surrounding Northern MI- Nope shutdown is dumb, wearing a mask is dumb, the government is trying to crush my small business and if I want to open I will. Not my business though on how you guys want to fight covid on your side of the border. Its just interesting to see an imaginary line we drew in the sand and the corresponding outlooks on society that follow. Edit**** Ontario has also really dropped the ball regarding LTC and the investigations and possible criminal charges coming against some will be interesting. So we are not perfect, far from it.
  22. Im currently waiting on my Musa Basjoo. Hopefully able to pick it up in a week or two and get them growing. I bought 3 gal ones. Kind of upset not able to get them until late May/Early June but considering it snowed last week here wasnt going to be able to do much with them anyways. How big do you think the 3 gallon ones will grow from June 15th to October? One is being planted in the ground and the other in a pot.
  23. The plus side is that the averages are sky rocketing right now so even below normal is now 50s/60s. In a few weeks a cold day will be upper 60s/lower 70s. I keep seeing hints that the summer is going to be above normal but every time a warm up comes close it falls apart.
  24. The border is remaining closed until minimum late June now though it also separates two different reopening plans. Ontario just announced were about 90% open now. All construction, storefront retail, marinas, golf, tennis, indoor/outdoor sport facilities in general (no gyms) Libraries can reopen to pick up/drop off, on and on. Lol even maid service is back for those who can afford it. Essentially just malls, restaurants, gyms and movie theatres remain fully closed.
  25. Haha at this point its pretty laughable. I also see a lot on wx twitter trying to stay the course with a very hot summer. Not saying it wont happen but its kind of funny when the hype train was forecasting mid-upper 20s next week and heat indexs into the 30s. Now its average with rain. At this point I wont even say were out of the woods for a rare late May/June frost.
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