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Everything posted by mississaugasnow

  1. ya the storm was a weird one and was more local and persons history of storms. Ive only lived in inner GTA until 5 years ago and now live in rural Ontario so for me this was my first actual blizzard. I also think media and general population is quick to put emotions into weather. Muskoka laughs at GTA winter storms saying Toronto is weak and in summer its Toronto laughing at Muskoka and Northern Ontario complain about average heat waves. 40-45C happens every summer in Toronto with nights staying above 21C but in Parry Sound, Sudbury, Timmins its all anyone would talk about (I work all over Ontario) Ontario almost has the exact same dynamic as northern states vs southern states in regards to winter and summer weather haha
  2. ended up being the best snowstorm I've ever experienced. Not often I see actual blizzard conditions.
  3. Toronto and GTA feel most of the forums pain. Unlikely to do much snow wise but hopefully winds make up for it
  4. the eastern half was walking a fine line. Not sure if GOM was feeding moisture Detroit eastwards would be getting much snow
  5. check out the north shore of Lake Erie on that run. 70-75mph showing up
  6. Parts of Southern Ontario and WNY look decent on the east side.
  7. Environment Canada came out with a pretty strong statement. They don't normally put out special weather statements 4 days in advance Significant winter storm expected late this week into the holiday weekend.Precipitation may begin as rain or snow late Thursday before possibly transitioning to rain in many areas early Friday. Temperatures are expected to plummet on Friday leading to a potential flash freeze for locations that receive rainfall. Rapidly falling temperatures will be accompanied by strong to potentially damaging winds along with snow that may be heavy at times. Blizzard conditions are possible late Friday into the weekend for areas downwind of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay.A multi-day lake effect snow event is expected into the weekend in the wake of the system for locations east of the Great Lakes.While there is high confidence in a high impact winter storm, the details regarding wind speeds, precipitation types and amounts remain highly uncertain at this time. Please monitor your local forecast and the latest alerts for your area.Consider altering plans through the holiday weekend as travel conditions may become dangerous. Extensive utility outages are possible. Temperatures Friday night into the weekend will likely be the coldest of the season to date.
  8. Over here in the GTA I would take 2-5" with 50mph gusts every day.
  9. Pretty bad start to winter for the Great Lakes. The cold and snow keep getting pushed back so its not the worst call haha
  10. Canadian side of Lake Erie getting some of the highest amounts Ive seen in a while. 15-60cm from Long Point ON-Fort Erie ON. Discussion:An intense snow squall is expected to develop over Lake Erie tonight and may impact parts of Long Point through Friday before lifting northward toward the remainder of the Lake Erie shoreline on Saturday. At this time, the highest accumulations are most likely over Long Point. Kincardine-Owen Sound-Parry Sound off Lake Huron and Georgian Bay looking at 30-60cm
  11. I’ve been wondering as well. Port Charlotte got some bad winds but may miss the 12-18 foot surge
  12. My in-laws place is right by El Jobean bridge. They aren't there but the house is in the red evacuate zone. Do you know if a lot of the area is staying? This will be one of the first storms I track where family property is on the line.
  13. Yep, my in laws have a place right on the water in Port Charlotte. They've been busy the last few days trying to coordinate from Canada.
  14. Any guesses when the region sees it first widespread frost? Only 3 weeks from now on average and decent chunk of Southern Ontario (Muskoka, Orangeville, Eastern Ontario) can easily see 30s for nighttime lows.
  15. Lol I’ve already pointed out numerous times Toronto has hit 90F. I also sent you an article awhile back where it confirmed September 2021 was above average. Anyways in 6 weeks I’ll start growing tired of summer and want fall. If it’s not 55 and sunny with frost every day in late august I’ll be pretty upset since you seem to be promising me an endless supply of way below average weather haha
  16. Toronto hit 95 two days this week and projected for 90F tomorrow. So 3 days at 90F in one week. Like a broken clock though your posts of no 90s anytime soon will eventually become correct in mid/late august after YYZ has logged numerous days above 90F
  17. It’s 94.5F at YYZ currently. I believe the 2nd or 3rd 90+ day this year with 88-91 forecast tomorrow and Saturday .
  18. Literally last year. https://www.theweathernetwork.com/ca/news/article/october-disguise-this-month-looks-suspiciously-like-september Fall 2021 is off to a rather mild start across most of Canada. Take a look at the September temperature anomalies shown on the map below. The various shades of orange highlight the warmer than normal temperatures that many have enjoyed during the past month across most of Canada east of the Rockies.
  19. Eastern Great Lakes not seeing much of this heat but a possible glancing blow 85-88 is max I’ve seen for GTA which is still decent for mid June but nothing crazy
  20. I can already see that September and October will be above average It’s a weird change in the last few years where summer takes forever to start and then continues deep into fall
  21. Looks like May is mostly a write off for the GL region. It will of course start to get warmer but I think the way things are trending now this summer will be lacklustre in the heat department.
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