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Everything posted by amarshall

  1. Had to run up to Marshfield and there was definitely some frozen pingers hitting the windshield . It’s trying .
  2. 2" on the cape in Marstons Mills. Had more of winter feel than duxbury
  3. Just texted Scott a video dumping here . About to get the kids quads out and rip donuts . Dad has had a few IPAs and will be leading the charge . .
  4. If I were to tell you duxbury had 1/2” of snow on the grass at 1” an hour rates no one would believe me .
  5. Garage motion camera going nuts . Just looked out the window wtf .
  6. Late 90s, US currency was like Monopoly money. I put some entertainers kids through Canadian colleges.
  7. Club Downtown lol, drinking molson ice at the Dome.
  8. My son's boy scout troup is going to Philmont New Mexico summer of 2024. I have to camp out for 10 days in the mountains.
  9. Warm winter and everyone freaking out. Skied lots of times in -30+ wind chill. Would I want to be homeless tonight, no. Do I think living up in the county will suck tonight, yes. Much of our area this is NBD.
  10. I bet if you look on marinetraffic.com tomorrow morning, you’ll see a few fishing boats out scalloping . The freezing spray sinks boats . https://marine.weather.gov/showsigwx.php?warnzone=ANZ250&warncounty=marine&firewxzone=&local_place1=25NM%20ESE%20Gloucester%20MA&product1=Heavy+Freezing+Spray+Warning&lat=42.4043&lon=-70.198#.Y90YHNNOm_Y .
  11. over 2" at my office in Marstons Mills. Worst commute as they didn't treat anything on rt 6 and it was a skating rink.
  12. Pine hills area 1” . It’s all we got . Can’t believe I’m even posting . .
  13. snizzely snow , ground covered in something Duxbury 35
  14. Its as bad as anything I've ever read. Gut wrenching.
  15. A few of the firefighters worked in Dorchester and Roxbury before transferring to the burbs. They've seen not nice things before. A lot of the younger firefighters have never seen anything like this. I feel awful for them. A friend of mine was the first police officer on scene.
  16. Employees tried to call out of work in mid-coast boothbay area. 1" to rain puddles. A little ice.
  17. The details are even worse. I drove by the house at 5:50 and 6:10 dropping my son off at basketball. At 6:45 I went back to pick him up and the street was closed with a huge police presence. I said to my wife, what if I saw the woman jump out the window. I would of been involved.
  18. That would make sense just must of been some weird clouds and fog to see it that high in the sky
  19. Pinging windows on the coast. No snow yet. 36F Schools just autodialed about coastal flooding concerns for school bus routes.
  20. Trying to figure out this weird blue light in the northern sky . Towards the Quincy area . Tough to get a cell phone pic of but really weird .
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